Killeevan Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 15th Sep

Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Cill Laobhain

Club Notes – 15/09/16

Sraith Shoisir/Junior League.

Cill Laobhain V Druim Shamhain. Away game against Drumhowan Saturday 17th September 5pm.

Craobh na Mionúr/Minour Championship

Cluiche Ceannais/Final

Sáirséalaigh Na Mullaí 1.10 V 2.09 Carraig Mhachaire Rois. Neutral venue game in Drumhowan against Carrickmacross Sunday 11th September.

After a long season from March to Sept, our minor campaign came to an end in the cruelist fashion in Drumhowan on Sunday last. A goal deep into injury time meant we lost out narrowly to Carrickmacross in the Div 2 Championship final. Well done to all our Sáirséalaigh Na Mullaí players who put in so much time and effort through out the past year, also reaching the League semi final, but losing out to Emyvale who went on to win the final.

Foireann : Dylan Quigley, Shane Monaghan, Daniel Toal, Ciaran Smith, Lorcan Kilpatrick, (0.02) Regan Mc Aree, Ciaran Mc Ginn, Conor Leonard, (0.05) Calvin Carlise, Blain Smith, Paul Monaghan, Francie Mc Mahon, (1.01), Tommy Monaghan, (0.02)Ciaran Burns ,Alan Corley.

Ionadaí: Premek Karkut, Jason Gavin, Adam Quigley, Donal Leonard, Robert Hynes, Kian Mc Aree, Callum Mc Cormack, Kain Toal, Leon Mc Cabe.

Míle buíochas, Minor Mc Phillips, Feargal Kieran, Raymond Leonard, James Morrow and Gerry Reilly who worked with this group all year. Chuir sibh an-iarracht isteach.

Go raibh mile maith agaibh Pauric and Grainne ón Skule Inn Smithboro who provided the after match refreshments for the team and mentors.

Turas go Gaoth Dobhair Bhí ár dturas go Gaoth Dobhair ag an deireadh seachtain (10ú/11ú Méan Fómhair) Míle buíochas d’ár gcairde i mBórd na nÓg/C.L.G. Ghaoth Dobhair as achan rud a rinne siad. Bhí am ar doigh ag na himreoirí óga Chill Laobhain agus Gaoth Dobhair (comh maith lena daoine fásta!) Huge thanks to our friends in Gaoth Dobhair for the fantastic weekend our young players (and adults) had. Thanks to John, Breandán and Kit for their efforts. Special thanks to all the host families who opened their doors and looked after our young players so well. Míle buíochas achan duine. To the Killeevan adults who supervised the visit and especially our young players, who represented their club and families brilliantly, go raibh míle maith agaibh. We also owe a huge debt of gratitude to the executive of our own club for their continued support of this link and promotion of the Irish language in general. Míle buíochas a chailíní agus a bhuachaillí. Támuid ag siúl go mór chuig 2017 agus C.L.G. Ghaoth Dobhair ag teacht ar áis go Cill Laobhain.

Iris Bliantúil C.L.G./G.A.A. Yearbook.

Tá sé an am seo arís! Could the coaches of all teams please write a short outline of your teams activities and forward to These details are need a.s.a.p. Míle buíochas as bhur dtacaíocht.

Ranganna Ghaeilge/Irish Classes.

Tá Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Cill Laobhain ag eagrú ranganna Ghaeilge a bheidh ag tosnú deaireadh mí Méan Fómhair. There will be night classes in conversational Irish starting at the end of September. Anyone interested in attending please contact Brian on 0868078984 or in the next 2 weeks. Exact dates/times etc will be confirmed should there be sufficient interest.

Club na mBán/Ladies Club

Faoi 16/Under 16.

Cluiche Cheannais/ Final

Cill Laobhain V Machaire Cluain. At a venue yet to be decided on Saturday 17th September at 2pm. See Killeevan Ladies Facebook page for updates. Please come out and give these girls the support they deserve. Ádh mór a chailíní.

Faoi 12/Under 12.

Cluiche Cheannais/Shield Final

Cill Laobhain V Carraig Mhachaire Rois. Home game i bPáirc na Sáirséalaigh Sunday 18th Septemberat 5.30pm. Bí ann chun tacaíocht a thabhairt. Be there to support this young team.

Faoi 16/Under 16.

Cluiche Leath Ceannais/Semi Final

Cill Laobhain 3.10 V 1.14 Carraig Mhachaire Rois. Home game i bPáirc na Sáirséalaigh Thursday 8th September. Fantastic, hard fought win by our Under 16 team. Comhghairdeas gach duine.


Faoi 8, Faoi 10 & Faoi 12 training on Wednesdays at 6:30pm sharp to 7.30pm

Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line: 086 1722923


Na hUimhreacha.

02. 03, 19. 26.

30 Lucky dip winner:

Mary McCabe, Scotshouse.

€20 Lucky dip winner:

Brendan Tynan, Killeevan.

Ryan Tierney, Lissanilly.

John Duffy, Clones.

John Kelly, Guardhill.

John McGilly, Newbliss.

An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €7,800

The draw will take place in McGinn’s Sunday 18th September.

Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.

Kieran Mc Garvey, Tommy Mc Garvey, Gerry Freeman, Brendan Tynan, Patrick Leonard agus Breda McCooey

By Mary McEneaney Thu 15th Sep

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