Eire Og Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 29th Sep

Alpha lotto

Winning letter’s Q,T,K,R

No winners.

€20 lucky dip winners are as follows:

Jason Boyle, Monaghan – MD Amanda Treanor, Mulladuff Enya McGorman, Meadows Gussie McGorman, Coolatty -SM Conor Leonard, Carnowen Next week’s Jackpot 3,100.00


It’s all to play for this coming Sunday as we take on our local rivals the Sean’s again in what is a winner takes all game. A victory would see us grab a spot in the league semi-final. Throw in is at 12 noon and as always we ask for as much support possible.

Parish League

Despite the appalling weather conditions our youth faced last Saturday this didn’t deter them from showing some fantastic skill and determination in our annual Parish league. With all age’s represented from the fresh faced 6 years old to our more experienced 12 year olds it waa great to see all ages on the same field. Skill competitions were held threw out the day and winners were as follows; U6 to U8 crossbar challenge winner was Ciaran McMahon, U12 kick fada John McQuaid and winner of the puc fada was James Hughes. Many thanks to James Morrow who was present for our presentation disco Saturday night and had the Ulster U21 championship trophy with him for all our kids to get photos with. A lot of effort went into organising this and many thanks must go to Frankie Neeson, James Croarkin, Linda Rice, Thomas Toal and also to the helpers on the day, Stephen Kerr, Patrick Skeath, Ciaran Rooney, to Caoimhe Hurson for refereeing on the day, Bridget Hurson for keeping the refreshments flowing and to everyone else who helped put on the day we thank you very much.

By Mary McEneaney Thu 29th Sep

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