Junior League: Blackhill and Sean Mc Dermotts had to share the spoils in a tight, helter skelter contest last Saturday evening. Final Score- Blackhill 1-10 Seáns 2-07. Our last league game is away to Clones on the first weekend of October.
Junior Championship: Saturday 24th Sept. Blackhill Vs Toome @5pm with venue now changed to Oram.
Juveniles: Our U8 side played in the last blitz of the year in Tyholland on Saturday past, putting in some very strong and promising performances. Training will continue for all ages this Saturday at 11am.
All-Ireland Tickets: Any club member that wishes for their name to be entered into a draw for the chance to purchase All Ireland Final tickets are to contact Club Secretary Marie Murphy before Thursday evening when the draw will take place. Tickets 80 euro.
‘Breakfast For Cancer’: Neighbours Drumhowan are organising a breakfast morning with all funds raised going directly to local cancer societies. It takes place on Sunday, the morning of the All-Ireland. Check Drumhowan’s notes for further details. A worthy cause indeed.