Currin Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Wed 17th Aug

Week of Sunday 14th August 2016

Currin GFC Notes


Draw result for Sunday 14th August 2016.

Winning Numbers, 16-21-26-28.

No Jackpot winner.

10 X weekly, €15.00, ‘Lucky Dip’ prizewinners,

1. Mary Flynn, Clones.

2. Tracey Mc Caffrey, Clonura.

3. Pat Fitzpatrick, c/o Roger Carey.

4. Mary Mc Phillips, Scotshouse.

5. Chrissy Mac Neill, Corconnelly, Scotshouse.

6. Nicola Mc Donald, Knox.

7. Donal Fay, Scotshouse.

8. Oliver Mc Caul, Scotshouse.

9. Marie Mc Geough, Feagh.

10.Luke Mc Kiernan, Clonfad.

Next Draw will be in Connolly’s Bar on Sunday 21th July 2016.

The Jackpot will now be €5,500.00. Thanks for your continued support. Lotto’s are available from our regular sellers.


Our seniors played Donaghmoyne away in the Intermediate football League on Sunday last. In an excellent game played in sunny conditions Currin began well with points from Stephen Smith and Antony Leonard putting us in front. However the home side fought back and led at half time on a scoreline of 1-7 to 0-5. In the second half a cracking Ciaran Mc Caffrey goal signalled a comeback and Currin restricted the home side to only two points from play. However the Donaghmoyne freetaker, Robbie Mc Donald, punished all our defensive indescretions and that combined with a number of spurned goal chances allowed the home side to do just enough for a win. Final score line, Donaghmoyne 1-14, Currin 1-9. Team and scorers, Fergal Connolly, Colm Mc Caffrey, Paddy Mc Dermott, Ben Clerkin, Ronan King, Paul Rudden, 0-1, Dara Brady, Dick Clerkin, Ciaran Mc Caffrey,1-1, Cian North, Stephen Smith 0-5, Jason Mc Kiernan, Hughie Reilly, Niall Mc Entee0-1, Antony Leonard, 0-1. Substitute used, Enda Mc Caffrey. Next game is the championship replay against Cremartin in Smithboro on Saturday at 6 p.m. Please note time.

Youth Affairs

U 16’s Patrick Emmett’s Under 16’s resume their season with a trip to Oram for a top of the table clash with Clan na Gael this (Thursday) evening with a throw in time of 7:30. U 14’s Patrick Emmett’s Under 14’s take on Clones again in Aghabog on Saturday 27th August at 12:00 in a Shield semi-final. All support appreciated. We had a great high scoring game against Cremartin last Saturday. While going down the performance was excellent. U 12’s Currin Under 12’s play their last game of the season on Saturday 3rd September in the Shield Final. Venue and time to be confirmed. Currin Under 10’s have a ‘Go Games’ blitz in Clones on 20th August. Details will be sent by text. Under 10’s, 8’s and Under 6’s training continues as normal on Saturday morning at 9:30.

Croke Park

Well done to our representatives, Shannon Murphy, Daniel McKernan and Peter Boyle who played in Croke Park on Monday last. A brilliant experience for all.

Congratulations and well done.

A big think you to all the parents, juvenile footballers and club members who came to the presentation to the ‘GAA Kits for Clubs’ on Friday evening last made by Supervalu Clones. The Currin Club has benefitted very well from the in-store promotion in Supervalu this past two years and we are very grateful to Bernard and the whole team at Supervalu Clones. Much appreciation also to Conor McManus who made the presentation and gave an excellent talk on nutrition and healthy eating for footballers, athletes and everyone really.

‘Last Man Standing’

Don’t forget that we are running our ‘Last Man Standing’ competition again. Closing date for entry is 11.30am on Saturday 20th August and participation will ONLY be via the Klubfunder website. Please encourage as many to join as possible.

By Mary McEneaney Wed 17th Aug

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