Killeevan Notes

By Mary McEneaney Wed 13th Apr

Sraith an Earraigh/Spring League.

Sraith Faoi 12/Under 12 League.

Cill Laobhain V Achadh Bog. Home game in Páirc na Sairséalaigh against Aghabog Saturday 16th April at 11am.

Sraith na Mionúr/Minour League

Sáirséalaigh Na Mullaí V Cill Éanna. Away game against Killanny Tuesday 19th April at 7pm.

Sraith Faoi 14/Under 14 League.

Cill Laobhain 4.06 V 10.16 Dubhthamlacht. Home game against Doohamlet in Páirc na Sáirséalaigh Monday 11th April. Hard game for our young Foireann faoi 14. Very tough first half, when the very strong Dubhthamlacht side raced into a big lead. But huge credit to our lads, they put in a massive shift in the second half making it a much more competitive afair. Maith sibh uilig, beidh lá eile agaibh.

Maith Thú/Well Done.

Comhghairdeas Micheal Lawson as dul tríd go dtí an céad babhta eile sa comórtas amhráníocht ‘The Voice’. Congratulations to Michael Lawson, member of our Senior Panel, who once again performed brilliantly on RTE’s The Voice of Ireland on Sunday last. Many thanks to all the Sarsfields supporters out there who voted for Michael, we hope you will once again get the phones out and vote for him next week and help him go all the way to win the competition. Ádh mór a Mhicháel.

Duais Uladh Comórtan Glór na nGael

Oíche iontach againn ag Bronnadh na Duaiseanna Glór na nGael in Óstán Caisleán Dún Boinne, Co. na Mí, Satharn 9ú Aibrean. Glach muid Teastas agus míle euro ar son Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Cill Laobhain tar éis Céad áit bhainte amach againn i gcúige Uladh. Míle buíochas don seachtar a bhí ann de Sathairn, ár gcoiste agus baill den chlub as an méid obair atá déanta acu go dtí seo. Fantastic night was had last Saturday night by all attending the Glór na nGael Prize giving ceremony in the Dunboyne Castle hotel, Co Meath. We were delighted to accept, on behalf of Killeevan Sarsfields G.A.A. a certificate and €1000 having won first prize in Ulster for promoting our national language. Many thanks to the 7 who represented our club on the night, the executive committee and club members for all they have done to promote and facilitate the use of Irish in all aspects of our club. Special thanks to our friends in C.L.G Gaoth Dobhair for continuing with our valuable/enjoyable link. Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.

Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line: 086 1722923


Na hUimhreacha.

01, 08, 14, 19.

30 Lucky dip winner:

Peter Kierans, Aghabog.

€20 Lucky dip winner:

Aidan Sheridan, Rockcorry.

Philip McGinn, Newbliss.

Noreen Brady, Clones.

Kitty Walls, Clones.

Micháel Coyle, c/o McGinn’s.

An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €3,400

The draw will take place in McGinn’s bar Sunday 17th April.

Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.

Uainchlár Chrannchur/Lotto Rota.

Jim Graham, Kevin Quail, Geraldine Quail, Darren Greenan, Pat O Leary & Margaret O Leary

By Mary McEneaney Wed 13th Apr

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