Killeevan Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 4th Feb

Ag Ceiliúradh Céad Bliain ón Eirí Amach / Celebrating 100 Years since the Rising

1916/2016: 1916: A further meeting of all groups/committees in the Killeevan area are invited to attend a meeting to develop and plan local events for the coming year, to commemorate the ‘1916 era’. Everyone welcome.

The meeting will be held on Thursday 4th February at 9pm in the Acorn Centre, Newbliss. Beidh Cruinniú ar Déardaoin 4ú Feabhra, 2016 san Acorn Centre, Lios Darach. Beidh fáilte roimh gach duine.

Ranganna Ghaeilge/Irish Classes.

Tá Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Cill Laobhain tar éis eagrú ranganna Gaeilge do tosaitheoirí. Beginners Irish night classes will now start on Monday 8th February 7pm-8pm in the clubrooms. Small charge of €20 for six classes Anyone interested in attending please contact Brian on 0868078984 or in the coming days. Ádh mór achan duine.

Cúrsa don scrudú béil/Oral Irish course.

Tá Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Cill Laobhain i gcomhar le Cumann Forbartha Crois Uí Ghrianáin ag eagrú an cúrsa seo fá choinne daltaí an 6ú bliain. Finalising details for the course to help 6th year students prepare for their Leaving Certificate Oral Irish exam. Places still available. Anyone interested in attending please contact Brian on 0868078984 or Bí I dteagmhail linn comh luath is a feidir le bhur dthoil.

Ádh mór/Good luck.

Ádh mór Micheal Lawson agus é ag glachadh páirt sa comórtas amhráníocht ‘The Voice’ an seachtain seo chugainn. Best Wishes to Michael Lawson, member of our Senior Panel, who will be performing on RTE Voice of Ireland on Sunday next the 7th Feb at 6.30pm.

Club na mBán/Ladies Club


Tá traenáil fá choinne na aois grupaí thíos. Indoor training continues on Friday evenings in the Acorn Center as follows : U8 & U10 girls from 7:30 – 8:15 U12 , U14 , U16 and Minors 8:30 – 9:30. Cost €2 Any new girls interested in joining, please feel free to come and along. Beidh fáilte mór roimh aon cailíní nua.

Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line: 086 1722923


Níor bhuaigh aon duine an phóta oir an seachtaine seo.

There was no winner of our lotto jackpot

Na hUimhreacha.

03, 04, 10, 25.

30 Lucky dip winner:

Ann Maguire, Clonavilla.

€20 Lucky dip winner:

Breda McCooey, Drumloo.

Gery & Mary Freeman, Newbliss.

Thomas McGarvey, Lisnagore.

Eamonn McKenna, Barrintopy.

Michael Flynn, Ballinode.

An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €12,000

The draw will take place in McGinn’s Sunday night 07/02/16.

Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.

Uainchlár Chrannchur/Lotto Rota.

Patricia Smith, Deirdre Martin, Helena Smith, agus Brian MacUaid.

By Mary McEneaney Thu 4th Feb

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