We start with this week the “Farney Players” who in association with the Emmets take their hilarious comedy “Who Goes Bare” to the town of Monaghan and to the Garage Theatre on this Friday and Saturday night. This production is indeed a fund-raising event for the club and the proceeds go towards the completion of our new facilities which are situated on the Donaghmoyne Road; the complex and dressing rooms will be ready for use in the next few weeks and will be of great benefit to all underage and adult teams including hurling and ladies football. By all accounts the tickets are going well and we hope the Gaels and the people of the surrounding area of our “capital town” will come out to support this venture as they did in the past. One thing is certain; there will be a great night of “fun and chaos” when the curtain goes up at 8.00pm; details from the Garage Theatre.
Another big occasion this weekend is the marriage of our renowned and distinguished player James (Jemmy) Conlon to Sinéad Matthews the girl from Reaghstown. The popular Emmet is the only captain ever to take the Owen Ward cup to Carrickmacross when we defeated the Faughs in Emyvale in the 2008 final. James will be long remembered for the great oration from the balcony of St Oliver Plunkett Park on that famous occasion when he held the cup high to the delight of the Emmet supporters; one wonders if Saturday’s speech will last as long as that one did! Anyway; everyone at the club wishes the happy couple Sinéad and James a special day and our thoughts will be with you on your “wedding day” and indeed some of us will be there with you to celebrate the occasion in style.
Congratulations to our club player Conor Duffy on winning the cup and league double with DCU when they won the Billings “Freshers” Cup on Monday in Croke Park a great achievement for this talented player who always gives his honest best on the field of play hopefully he can capture more silverware as the year progresses for the Emmets!
The club Lotto took place on Monday night but there was outright winner and the jackpot now stands at €4,700. The numbers drawn were 01, 03, 17 and 20 and the following were the winners of the “Keep it Local” vouchers €50; Pauline O’Hagan, €20 Andrew (Andy) Callan; €20 Sarah Hughes €10 Marie and Owen Flanagan; well done to all and well done to the Saturday night sellers; you make the difference!
There was a club meeting on Monday night when the various officers gave their up-to-date reports. In particular the “Development Committee” outlined in detail the works presently been carried out on the Emmet Centre including new windows flooring and ceiling and when completed it will enhance the building into a stylish function room to cater for teams and club activities. In relation to the Donaghmoyne Road development it was announced that grants due to the club are on their way and shortly it will be all systems go! Oh, I nearly forgot is all the swim monies in yet; if you have anything no matter how small drop it into the Credit Union and ask for the “Swim Account” as the presentation night is looming!
By Mary McEneaney Fri 19th Feb