Lotto: no winner for the week 22/1/16 numbers drawn were 4-15-22-28 winners of the €20 lucky dip were Timmy Byrne Modeece, Enda Rooney castleblayney, Bridget mc Shane Coolskeagh. Next weeks jackpot is €3000.
National Draw:anyone with tickets sold or unsold please return them to Irene before Feb 12th
Astro-turf: anyone wishing to book please phone 087-65038256
Best of Luck on Friday eve to Muckno Lakers who are in athe All-Ireland Final of the Hual Hoops Womens Club Championship final against Limerick Celtics we wish Gerry Smith and Toomes local Tanya Mc Grath-Quinn (team Captain) and all the rest of Lakers all the very best of Luck.
Membership is now due €10 juvenile, €20 student, €50 family, €40 playing member,€30 single payment for the membership €30 single-parent family not single payment!
By Mary McEneaney Fri 29th Jan