National Club Draw Tickets – People with the Club Draw Tickets at this stage can you please return your tickets to your ticket captain or alternatively to John Reilly. First Prize is an Opel Corsa Car. Other prizes include a trip to the 2016 All Stars, a travel voucher to the value of €1500, various all ireland football and hurling final ticket packages and €1000 shopping vouchers. However anyone who wants to buy one and hasn’t been approached yet please contact John Reilly or any committee member.
January Club Executive Meeting this place this Thursday 14th January at 8.30pm. Lots of important decisions to be made. Make an effort to attend.
Scór na nÓg All Ireland Final – quick reminder that our Quiz team and Instrumental Music Group will represent Club, County and Province in Killarney on Saturday 30th January. Could be an idea to make a weekend out of it and come home via Roscommon for the 1st round of the National League.
Scór Sinsir – takes place in Corcaghan on Saturday 23rd January. Please contact Lorraine Maguire or Pauline Grogan if interested in competing.
By Mary McEneaney Thu 14th Jan