Primary Schools Skills Competition

By poconnor Mon 30th Nov

Primary Schools Skills Competition
Primary Schools Skills Competition


On Wednesday the 25th of November, Monaghan Coaching & Games organised a Skills Competition for 5th & 6th Class boys. All the primary schools in the county were invited to take part in the competition. In the end 18 schools took part. The format for the competition was slightly different, with the fact that it was a team competition with each school having 4 players representing their school.
The competition was divided into four sections. In the first section, the schools competed against each other in a hand passing game. The second section focused on the players kick passing, both with their left and right feet. In the third section the schools competed against each other again, only this time the game was kicking rounders’. A shooting drill was the final part of the competition. There was points on offer in each section of the competition, with the school who won the most points winning the competition outright.
There was prizes on offer for the first 3 places. With the first school winning twelve footballs for their school, second prize was eight footballs and third prize five footballs. In the end St Tiarnachs NS Clones won out, showing a very high level of skill throughout the competition especially with their kicking. Second prize went to Doohamlet NS and Drumgossett NS picked up the third prize.
Monaghan Coaching & Games would just like to thank the schools who took part in the competition, the teachers/ parents who travelled with the players and the three transition year students from Our Ladys Castleblayney who helped out on the day. There will be another skills competition organised for both hurling and football in the New Year, details of which will be sent out to the schools.

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By poconnor Mon 30th Nov


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