Earraí an Chlub/Club Merchandise.
Siopa na Sáirséalaigh! There will be a club Christmas shop held in the Killeevan Club rooms on Friday 06/11/2015 from 19:15 to 21:00. There will be a range of items and various sizes (kids & adults) available to ensure the correct sizes are ordered. Both O’Neill’s and Adidas ranges will be available for order. Mas maith leat earraí an chlub a fháil roimh Nollaig, cuir do ordú isteach ar an lá sin.
Corn Proinsias O’Loinsigh/Frank Lynch Cup.
Míle buíochas do na himreoirí óga Cill Laobhain, Achadh Bog, Buíochar agus Éire Óg as na cluichí iontacha a bhí againn i rith an comórtas seo. Huge thanks to all the youngsters who entertained us with some great football on Saturday last (31/10/15) and throughout the competition. Thanks to all the mentors and referees who helped make the Frank Lynch Cup such a great competition. Our thanks also to the Lynch family for continuing their sponsorship and support of this competition. Go raibh maith agaibh go léir.
Bronnadh na duaiseanna/Medal giving ceremony. Míle buíochas d’achan a bhí san Acorn Centre chun an bhronnadh speisialta a dhéanamh ar na himreoirí uilig. Many thanks to all who helped out in the Acorn centre for the presentation to the 4 teams. Thanks to Nino’s for the food and for all those there who helped serve the tea and refreshments. Go raibh míle maith agat Rory Beggan, Cúlbaire Co. Mhuineacháin as teacht agus labhairt chuig na himreoirí. Great to have our County goalkeeper ther to present the medals, Shield and Cup and speak to the young players. Thanks Rory. See Killeevan Facebook page for pictures of the Finals day and presentation.
Coisir Shamhna/Hallooween Party
Oíche iontach san Acorn Centre an Deardaoin seo caite. The juvenile Halloween party took place Thursday 29th October at 8pm in The Acorn Centre, Newbliss. Míle buíochas Aoife & Ciara McAnespie agus Fintan Kelly. Monaghan County players who joined us to make presentations to our boys & girls under 8, 10 and 12s. Disco, face painting and treats on the night. Go raibh maith agaibh go léir the parents who provided the treats for the party. Bhí oíche den scoth againn!
Comórtas Glór na nGael 2015
Tá ár gclub cláraithe don comórtas thuas le cúpla mí anuas. Beidh moltóireacht ag tarlú go luath, Luan 9ú Samhain ag 10rn i tSeomraí an chlub. As part of the Turas Teanga, Glór na nGael national competition, which our club registered for a number of months back a date for adjudication has been set for Monday 9th November at 10am in the clubrooms.
Ciorcal Comhrá/Conversation Circle.
Anois, nuair atá obair oll-mhór an Gala Ball thart, beidh an Ciorcal Comhrá ag teacht ar ais. Now that the hard work and many meeting of the Gala Ball is over the Irish Conversation Circle will return Monday 16th November. So if you’re interested in brushing up on your conversational skill as Gaeilge, whatever level that may be, why not join us? Aon duine atá ag iarraidh deis bhur gcuid Ghaeilge a fheabhsú coinnigh súil gear ar na notaí nó ar Facebook fá choinne na sonraí. Beidh ranganna oíche ag teach ar ais comh maith go luath 2016.
Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh
Booking line: 086 1722923
Níor bhuaigh aon duine an phóta oir an seachtaine seo.
There was no winner of our lotto jackpot
Na hUimhreacha.
04, 07, 14, 20.
30 Lucky dip winner:
Frank McElroy, Newbliss.
€20 Lucky dip winner:
Mary McKenna, Annagh, Smithboro.
Jim Clear, Rockcorry.
Geraldine McDonald, Scotchouse.
Jim Graham.
- Gallagher, C/o Dan’s.
An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €10,800
The draw will take place in McGinn’s Sunday night 08/11/15.
Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.
Uainchlár Chrannchur/Lotto Rota.
Eugene & Aideen Greenan, Fergal Kierans, Brian Mc Guirk, Alison Lambe & Elaine McCaffery.
By Mary McEneaney Wed 4th Nov