Sun 22 November Numbers drawn were 3,18,26,28. There was no jackpot winner. €30 Lucky dip Brendan McGeough c/o T.McGorman. €15 Lucky dip Frank O’Brien c/o D.Murphy. Oisin & Odaran Murphy c/o S.Kelly. The Rice Family c/oS.Kelly. Eileen McElvaney c/o M.Smyth. Noel & Una McCarville c/o Self. Laura Murphy c/o D.Brady. Mick Doherty c/oO.McMahon. Edward Fox c/o Self. Next weeks jackpot is €5,150. Thank you for your continued support.
Pool Competition: The club will host a pool competition starting this Sunday evening at 6pm in the clubhouse. Prize money of €100 for the winner. Everybody welcome.
Good Luck: To Aaron McGorman and the Rockcorry team in the Ulster Final this weekend.
Club Aghabog: Tickets are currently on sale at 10 euro each, with a fantastic range of prizes supplied by Croke Park. The beauty of this draw is that the proceeds of all tickets sold stays with the club once it has being verified by Croke Park. Photographic Exibition: We are presently working on a photographic exibition of print and photographs not previously on display, which forms part of our 125 programme of events. if you have any unseen photos of club interest we would be delighted to scan them, put them on display, and return them to you. The Official Opening of the gallery will take place on Friday 4th December at 8.00 pm. Well known historian Seamus McPhillips (James) formerly of Corremegan, will give a talk on the history of Aghabog.
By Mary McEneaney Thu 26th Nov