Magheracloone Notes

By Mary McEneaney Wed 28th Oct

Club Lotto. The numbers drawn in the club lotto this week were 3, 19, 23 and 25. The jackpot was not won this week and the following players won fifty euro each in the Lucky Dip…. Kate Duffy, Online, Karen Byrne, (D.D.), Peadar Clinton, Kingspan and Paul Jones, (D.D.) The next draw will take place on Monday 2nd November and the Jackpot will be 6,400 euro.



Results and Fixtures.    Magheracloone claimed the two points that were needed at the weekend with a victory over Clontibret in the last home game of the season. The final score was Magheracloone  2-17 to Clontibret’s 2-8.

The final league game of the season is fixed for this Sunday at 12.00 noon in Monaghan with the opposition being provided by the local Monaghan Harps club. A win for Magheracloone will guarantee a semi-final spot and the team will be intent on claiming the qualifying place available.


Under-6.   There will be no Under-6 academy session this week-end.  The programme resumes on Saturday, 7th November at 10.00.

The club would like to thank Corduff for hosting the Under-6 tournament on 18th October. The hospitality was first class and the club is thanked for the medals and the refreshments.


Christmas Merchandise. It is that time of year again and the club is now taking orders for merchandise for Christmas.
The closing date for orders is strictly Friday 6th November.
Please respect this closing date as last year some customers did not receive their orders before Christmas.
Orders can be placed with any member of the Finance Committee, Thomas (0872251476), Margaret (0872064404), Mary (0872399306), Gene (0876202130), Sinead (0863049860) or Jim (0876413422)


A.G.M.  The A.G.M. for 2015 will be held in the Community Centre on Friday 20th November at 7.30. p.m. All members should have received notice of the meeting at this stage and nomination forms along with notice of motions should be with the Secretary by 13th November. A number of officer posts will become vacant and will be filled at this meeting. All members are invited to come to this annual meeting and to offer themselves to work for the club in the coming year.

Congratulations. Three members of the club were part of the Under-14 development squad that claimed victory in the recent tournament in Downpatrick. Congratulations to Jack Doogan, Ryan Farrelly and Ronan McKeown for the part played in this victory.
A few new items have been added to the range, namely rain jacket, shorts and socks.
To view the new items visit
To download a copy of the order form go to

Juvenile Presentation Night. The children will be presented with medals and certificates at the annual Juvenile Presentation Night which will be held on Friday 6th November. Please keep this date free.


Juvenile A.G.M.  The juvenile A.G.M. will be held on Friday 13th November in the Community Centre. The out-going committee is looking for people who would be willing to help with the important work of preparing the juvenile teams in 2016. If you would like to get involved you are asked to contact Declan Farrelly before the meeting.


Sympathy.  The chairman and club members wish to extend sympathy to the Quigley family, Currin following the sudden death of Aidan Quigley.

Aidan was a former chairman of the County Board and was the current chairman of the Currin club. May he rest in peace.

By Mary McEneaney Wed 28th Oct

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