Club Ticket orders are now in the process of being distributed. Please contact your club secretary for details. However tickets can still be bought in Centra and SuperValu Stores, online at and at Cloghan from 11am- 4pm Thursday and Friday. At present only Upper Stand Tickets and Terrace Tickets are available.
Tickets bought online can be printed at home or picked up on the day from 11.45am from Gill’s ticket office located across from Gill’s pub, at the junction of North Circular and Jones’ Road.
Cusack Stand – €30
Family Tickets are available for Cusack and Davin Stands only
Adults – €30 Juveniles – €5
Purchase full price tickets and on the day of the match they can claim a rebate of €10 when they produce appropriate I.D. at Block D, Stiles 1 to 5 in the Cusack Stand (Rebate can only be claimed on entry into the stadium via BLOCK D)