Inniskeen Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 23rd Jul

Congratulations:The club would like to congratulate the Monaghan senior team on winning the Ulster championship on Sunday and we wish them the very best of luck in the Quarter Finals .Also congratulations to Paul Meegan who was on the panel. MuinechánAbù


Lotto: Results from 13/07/15. Numbers drawn:9,12,19,22 . No winner .5x€20 winners,Thomas Gernon,Coolderry,(Thomas Gernon),Eileen McGee,Carrickelly,(Owen Greene)Isobel Kieran,Culloville,(Joey Byrne),Rosaleen Kearney,Ballintra,(Gerry Dooley),Padraig McGahon,Kiltybegs,(Donal MaArdle).

Results from 20/7/15:Numbers drawn 7,11,15,24.No winner.5x€20 winners:Katy Rooney,c/o Sean’s Deli(Robbie Ashfield),Joanne Lennon,Drumnagrella,(Peter Dooley),Sarah Keenan,Drummond,(Paddy Dowdall),Mattie Boylan,St Daigs,(Catherine Keenan),Joanne White ,c/o Catherine Keenan(Catherine Keenan).Next Draw 27/7/15.Jackpot €15,400.

Please support Lotto.Lotto available from committee members and local businesses.


Hurling Championship:The hurlers are out against Truagh Gaels in the Silver hill foods Hurling championship semi finals this Thursday at 7:45 in Monaghan.Please support the boys.


Fixtures and Results:

Emyvale 1:16 Inniskeen 2:13

Sean McDermott 0:04 Inniskeen 11:14

MFL:Toome 5:12 Inniskeen 3:12

RFL:Carrickmacross 5:15Inniskeen 1:5

U16FL:Inniskeen 0:0 Donaghmoyne CONC

SHL:Clontibret P-P Inniskeen

21/7/15:MFL:Inniskeen v Clones at7:30

23/7/15:SHC:Truagh v Inniskeen at7:45 in Monaghan

23/6/15:U16ChSemiFinal:Scotstown v Inniskeen at7:30

23/6/15:U12FL:Inniskeen v PatrickSarsfields at 7:30

25/7/15:U14:Inniskeen v Castleblayney at 12:00

26/7/15:U16HL:Inniskeen v Carrickmacross at 1:15

25/7/15:U12HL:Inniskeen v Carrickmacross at 12:00



Wedding Bells:Congratulations to our secretary  Peter Dooley who got married on Last Saturday  to Elaine Watters . Best wishes to you both from all players,members and the committee.


Congratulations:To the Inniskeen Camogie team who won the Louth league final on Sunday in Knockbridge..Congratulations to all players and management.


Sympathy:The club would like to extends its sympathies to the Hamill family on the death of May Cunnigham (Riverside)also to the family Philip Leddy(Edenagrena) and to the family of Phil Kelly(Blackstaff).Ar a dheis Dé go raibh a anam.





Grattan Oige:

Our U8 and U10 teams have a blitz on Thursday evening in Pairc Grattan and I am sure the U10s will be using this as a warm up to our annual Keeva Kelly Memorial Tournament which will be hosted by the club on Saturday 1st of August at 10 am.Six teams will compete in the tournament Killanny ,Kilkerley ,Cooley ,Kingscourt,Mullaghoran and Inniskeen.This will be our U10s first experience of competitive football and we wish them all the best.Please come along and support the next generation of Grattans players.Our U12s take on Patrick Sarsfields in their last league game onThursday evening  and the U16s are involved in the Championship semi-final against Scotstown in Scotstown the same evening.Best of luck to both teams.The U14s are at home to Castleblaney in the Division League on Saturday and we are hoping for a good result here

By Mary McEneaney Thu 23rd Jul

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