Castleblayney Camogie Notes

By Mary McEneaney Sun 22nd Mar

Good Friday Fundraiser: Castleblayney Camogie Club hosts its annual Cake Sale in the Scout Hall on Good Friday 3rd April 2015Plans are well under-way for our forthcoming fundraiser so come along and support the club to raise vital funds.

Club Membership: Membership is now overdue. Insurance and registration needs to be paid by all players who have not yet registered for 2015Can all players please do so as you are not insured if not registered. Payment can be made to Kate ASAP.

Making Money For Your Club: Castleblayney Camogie Club is registered for the Topaz Cash for Clubs. Our club registration code is: 10104. Please use this code to earn a stamp for the club when you fill your car with €40 petrol/diesel at any topaz filling station in the North/South. When your card is filled you can drop them into the Royal Jade where there will be a box there behind the desk. Each club will receive €250 cash for every 300 cards filled. Support your club. Thank you in advance.

Social Media: Don’t forget to keep up to date with all things happening with Castleblayney Camogie such as fixtures and important upcoming events, you can follow us on Twitter at @camogieblayney or you can like us on Facebook at Don’t miss out on anything!

Finally, well done to the Monaghan Minor Camogie team who won their second league match against Donegal, on a scoreline of 5-5 to 2-3. The girls now go onto play Cavan. Well done girls on a great team effort!!

By Mary McEneaney Sun 22nd Mar

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