CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Clontibret Notes

February 10th, 2015

Fun Run & Walk
Remember our free walks/runs from Clontibret Community Centre every Sunday at 11.15am & Tuesday at 8pm. Our first sessions this week were a great success. Spread the word and get the numbers out. Everyone welcome and it’s for all ages but kids must be supervised. A hi-vis top is essential. See you there!

Again, to remind members and players of the absolute necessity to renew their membership for the coming year. It’s only €20 and to be given to Tommy Greenan or any club officer.

Presentation Dance
Not long to go until the Presentation Dance on 21st February. Get your tickets from the clubrooms, the Braeside, McCarville’s or any club member. €35 each.

Juvenile Registration Night
Juvenile registration for u6 to u16s for 2015 will take place this Saturday evening, February 14th at 6pm in the Community Centre.
O’Neill Shamrocks will also be holding their registration at the same time.
It is important that all juveniles be registered to help ensure the smooth running of the year ahead.
Details of our second annual 5k/10k Fun Run, which we run alongside the Parents’ Association of St. Mary’s National School and O’Neill Shamrocks, will also be announced. This proved very successful last year and we hope to build on it again this year. It is fixed for Easter Saturday, April 4th.
There will also be a short informative meeting for parents on the evening also.
We look forward to seeing you all there and wish all our players, coaches, members and parents the best of luck for 2015.

Pitch Availability
Thomas Greenan will be in charge of pitch bookings for the coming year. All pitch bookings for matches and/or training sessions should be made through Tommy. Team Managers and mentors in all codes and at all age groups should note that a pitch will not be available at any given time unless it has been booked and approved in advance.

Senior training continues in the hall on Friday at 8pm.
Juvenile training for Under 12, 10, 8 and 6 is in the hall at 7pm on Friday.

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