New GAA Coaching Resources Launched

By poconnor Fri 19th Sep

New GAA Coaching Resources Launched
New GAA Coaching Resources Launched

New GAA Activity Planner

The National Coaching & Games Committee in Croke Park has recently launched a new online resource to aid coaches in their planning of a coaching session. The Activity Planner is targeting our mentors for the younger age groups more specifically U6’s to U14’s. The tool covers all codes of Gaelic Games from Football and Hurling to Handball and Rounders. In total there is over 300 different games and drills to choose from so it really is a super resource at our disposal.

The website is very user-friendly in terms of filtering through all the activities, to make it very easy finding the right game or drill to use on any given session. The filtering system has a number of different layers. You can filter the activities in terms of age, the skill type you want to cover, and the type of activity you want to use.

When you click into any of the activities, they give you a descriptive breakdown on how to play the game, lists the equipment you will need, a simple diagram on the set-up of the activity and if that’s not enough a short video of the activity been carried out. You can also print out the activity so you can take the activity from your computer out onto the training ground.

This is a great resource at our disposal and best of all it’s free so it would be great if everyone could promote this tool within their own clubs.

The Activity Planner is available on

To learn more about it please watch the video below.

Primary School Physical Activity Resource for Teachers – PE Ceim ar Aghaidh

Primary School Physical Activity Resource for Teachers – PE Ceim ar Aghaidh

Céim ar Aghaidh/Step Ahead is a GAA Games Development initiative to supply teachers and pupils with educational resources based on the enjoyable theme of Gaelic Games. Using the fun of Gaelic games, it aims to deliver a range of exercises used to support teaching in a variety of subject areas.

These can be adapted to suit children of varying abilities through differentiated tasks. In keeping with the ethos of the GAA, the material is designed to promote participation for all, both on and off the field.

Each Primary School in the county will receive two Ceim ar Aghaidh resource packs so they can start implementing the fun games and activities in their PE classes. Pictured below is a number of our full time coaching staff presenting the pack to schools they are currently coaching in.

To find out more information about this new initiative please visit the web pages below


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By poconnor Fri 19th Sep

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