U-21 Div2 SF Donaghmoyne 2-13 Blackhill 1-10
Team: Michael McEneaney, Thomas Courtney, Tony Forde, Ryan Maguire, Dónal Courtney (Captain), Shane Buckley, Ciarán Courtney, Andrew Burns, Mark Courtney, James Daly, Tiarnan Lanney, Jason Finnegan & Michael Geehan. Sub Used: Gary Loughran.
RFL 3 Truagh 1-09 Blackhill 2-11
Team: Michael Shevlin, Gerard McArdle, Matthew McArdle, Thomas Courtney, Ciarán Costello, Vincent McNally, Johnny Irwin, Eamon Byrne, Niall Donnelly, Peter Daly, Stephen Courtney, Pauric Murphy & Fergal Toal. Subs Used: Kevin McManus, Paul Finnegan, Jason Finnegan, James Daly, Tony Forde & Michael McEneaney.
MFL Emerald Sarsfields v corduff Tuesday August 12th 7-15pm
JFL Blackhill v Oram Wednesday August 6th 7-30pm
Castleblayney Agricultural Show:
The annual Castleblayney show takes place on Bank holiday Monday in our local community, best wishes to the show society for a successful event. The Blackhill Cup will no doubt be keenly contested again this year.
Emeralds Lotto:
1st Ian Reynolds, Broomfield.
2nd Jennifer Murphy, Formil.
3rd Emmet McDonagh, The Crescent.
By Mary McEneaney Tue 29th Jul