5k/10k/20k Run: Well done to all who competed in our Run on Sunday!
Championship: We start our championship campaign on Friday 30th May against Drumhowan in Blackhill at 8pm
Senior Team: We welcomed Eire Og to Toome last Wednesday. A battling performance resulted in a vital 3 point win! Unfortunately our game v Blackhill was called off on Saturday due to a waterlogged pitch. We travel to Aughnamullen on Saturday evening for a 5pm throw in for what is sure to be a keenly contested affair. We host Scotstown on Wednesday 21st at 8pm.
Reserves: Welcome Killanny on Wednesday 14th May. Our b Championship match is listed for Friday 23rd May in Toome at 7:30pm.
Minor: We had a good home win over Magheracloone last Tuesday night. There is a break now for exams, before the league recommences on Tuesday 8th July.
Under 16: Next game is away to Clones on Thursday 15th, throw in is changed to 8pm.
Under 14s: We are away to Aghabog this Saturday for a 1:30pm throw in.
Under 12s: Corduff conceded the points in the spring league last Saturday. Spring league finals will most likely be the weekend of 24th/25th in Cloghan.
Under 10s and Under 8s: Training every Saturday morning at 11:00. Everybody welcome, for what is an entertaining hour of football!
Nursery Games: Toome Nursery Games for U-6’s continues every Friday at 6.30pm in Toome Centre. New members are very welcome, so come along and join in the fun.
Monaghan U16s: Well done to Frank Connolly and James Wilson, who were part of the Monaghan panel who qualified for the Buncrana Cup semi finals, having emerged from the group stages. This is basically the U16 Ulster Championship, and Frank was impressive as ever at Centre Half Back, while James’s skill and trickery are an asset to any forward line!
Lotto: No winner of the jackpot this week, numbers drawn: 2,4,7,17. Lucky Dips: Alan Lambe, Patsy Moore, Patrick Reilly, Connor Cumiskey, Jacqui Watters. Next Week’s Jackpot is €2500.