Concussion Awareness Workshop

By poconnor Wed 21st May

Concussion Awareness Workshop
Concussion Awareness Workshop

Last night Monaghan Coaching and Games in conjunction with Ulster GAA ran a workshop raising the awareness of Concussion in our games.

The workshop took place in Cloghan with just under 40 people in attendance. There was a good blend of football (19), hurling (1), camogie clubs (1) and county staff in attendance, which was great to see and I’m sure everyone came away from the workshop all the wiser about the dangers of concussion especially in sport.

The presentation itself covered a wide range of issues from what concussion actually is, to recognizing the signs and symptoms of a concussion. It also covered the management/action plan for coaches and what considerations you would have to give to children in this area. One of the final topics covered when a player should return to play after a concussion. The workshop itself raised quite a bite of debate and talk around this important topic which was great to see.

E-Learning Course

The GAA have created an online portal to help educate people in this area. If you missed the workshop but would like to learn about Concussion this is the perfect way to learn.

Please click on this link below and follow the steps to complete the online module.

The following are the steps to access the course:


1. Users must be registered on (Portal Registration Guide)

2. Check to ensure that pop-ups are unblocked (Unblock pop-ups) NB – The module will not open if pop-ups are not unblocked.

2. Once logged in, visit the player section –

3. You will see a block on the right of your screen called ‘e-Learning Courses’, click on ‘Concussion Awareness’ in this block

4. Click ‘Enter’


Please see below for a number of important topics and videos from last nights workshop.

Concussion Education

Signs and Symptoms

Return To Play

This is a 6 step protocol which should be medically supervised
Each steps takes one day, ( no player with a diagnosed concussion should return to play before six days)
Initial rest period of 24-48 hours after a diagnosis
If player has been symptom-free (without medication) for 24 hours he can start six-stage GRTP protocol
A player should only return after successfully completing the protocol AND after obtaining medical clearance


§Steps in GRTP Protocol
–Day 1: Low level physical activity (light Jogging, Stationary Bike, Walking)
–Day 2: Moderate Levels of Physical Activity (Weightlifting)
–Day 3: Heavy non-contact physical activity (Sports Specific Drills)
–Day 4: Non-contact sports specific practice.
–Day 5: Full contact practice
–Day 6: Unrestricted return to activity or return to competition
Player may only move one step per day (24 hours)
If symptoms occur – drop back to previous level and try to progress after 24 hours rest

Medical clearance is required before full RTP

Please Click Here To Download A Copy Of The Concussion Awareness Presentation

Please see below for a selection of photos from last nights workshop.

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By poconnor Wed 21st May

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