Farney Academy Easter Camp 2014 – Places Still Available

By poconnor Wed 16th Apr

Farney Academy Easter Camp 2014 – Places Still Available
Farney Academy Easter Camp 2014 – Places Still Available
Monaghan Coaching and Games Development will be running their annual 3-Day Easter Camp for both boys & girls between the 22nd and 24th of April.
This year the camp will be run over 4 different venues.

1. Ballybay, Pearse Brothers’ Football Grounds

2. Scotstown, Kilmore Training grounds

3. Clones, St Tiarnachs Park

4. Magheracloone, Kevin O’Reilly Park


Cost of the camp is 40euro per child & 35euro for additional children from the same familly.

The camp caters for boys and girls aged between 5-12 with a wide range of fun games and activities delivered at each camp with Gaelic Football, Hurling and Camogie being at the core of every activity.

The camps start at 10am & finish at 2:30pm each day.

If you haven’t registered your child(ren) for the camp yet but still wish to send them, registration will be open on the morning of each of the camps. We would urge parents who are registering their child on the morning to please get their 15/ 20 minutes before the camp so their will be no delays to the camp. It is also worth noting that children registered on the morning, might have to wait until the Thursday morning (last morning of the camp) before they get their hoodie. Pre-registered children will get their hoodie on the Wednesday afternoon.

To speed up the registration process could all parents please download a copy of the Application Form, have it filled in and have the correct money with them on the first morning of the camp.

Click here to download Easter Camp Application Form

If you have any questions or queries about the camp, please contact Paul O’Connor (0868374827) or email developmentmanager.monaghan@gaa.ie.

Poster A4 copy

By poconnor Wed 16th Apr

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