Coaching Courses A Great Success

By poconnor Tue 1st Apr

Coaching Courses A Great Success
Coaching Courses A Great Success

Over the past two month Monaghan Coaching and Games ran a number of Coaching Course which targeted mentors, coaches and managers from all levels.

Seven courses where ran in total, with five foundation level awards and two level one awards (one Child and one Youth and Adult). Over 150 coaches completed the foundation award, with 17 different clubs represented. 36 coaches completed the Level One award with 16 clubs represented. Overall just under 200 coaches completed a coaching award in the past two months with 23 clubs sending coaches.

Monaghan Coaching and Games would like to thank all the coaches that attended the courses. It was great to see such a large turnout especially in the Level One awards as this was the highest intake we have had in a while for this award. Hopefully next year we will see a large proportion of the coaches who completed the Foundation Award back with us next year undertaking the Level One Award.

It’s important to note that from 2016 onwards anyone wishing to coach at any level will be required to have the Level One Coaching Award, so we would be stressing to get this complete as soon as you can.

We would also like to pay a special thanks to all the clubs who hosted a course, specifically Corduff, Magheracloone, Killeevan, Monaghan Harps and Aughnamullen and the coaching officers within all the clubs who had club members attend a course.  The Coaching Officers put in enormous work promoting these courses within their own clubs and their success is down to you.[/caption]

The next round of courses won’t be run now until later in the year after the playing season has been completed so if you missed out this time please keep an eye out on the Monaghan  Website and check in with your club Coaching Officer for future dates.

Please see below for a selection of photos from all the courses for the past two months.

Corduff Foundation Award

Corduff Foundation Award

Foundation Award Cloghan

Foundation Award Cloghan

Foundation Award Magheracloone

Foundation Award Magheracloone

Level One Youth and Adult Killeevan

Level One Youth and Adult Killeevan

Level One Children Cloghan

Level One Children Cloghan

Foundation Level Monaghan Harps

Foundation Level Monaghan Harps

Foundation Aughnamullen

Foundation Aughnamullen

Foundation Aughnamullen

Foundation Aughnamullen


By poconnor Tue 1st Apr

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