
By Mary McEneaney Tue 25th Feb


Mono League. The fixtures committee would ask that all outstanding Mono league games to be played by Sunday the 3rd of March, after that all outstanding games will be decided upon by the committee, semi-finals are fixed for Friday the 7th of March and the final fixed for Sunday the 9th, so to avoid disappointment please ensure all outstanding games are played.

Singles & Doubles. The club singles and doubles competitions will be drawn up shortly so be ready for the action.

Juvenile Ulster Fixtures. Congratulations to Aaron and cousin Ryan Mohan as they reached their 3rd consecutive Ulster Doubles Final, in their semi-final they dispatched of Armagh pairing Darragh Murphy & James Mc Coy, good luck to the boys in the final on the 9th of March.

Tickets on Sale. The Handball club are still selling tickets which have been provided by Central Council in Dublin, there are some fantastic prizes on offer and all money raised will be going to the handball club.

Adult County Championship. Good luck to Gary Todd as he has reached the final of the Nov4 competition, in the final he takes on David Treanor from Tydavnet, we have 2 players in other semi-finals, John Kelly plays Tim Oliver from Corduff in Nov1 and Eamon Todd plays Paddy Mc Mahon also from Tydavnet in the Junior section, good luck to all, when Gary’s final is on we will send out a text and publish when we get details.

Adult Ulster Championship. Michael Mc Carron takes to the alley in the Ulster Semi-final of the Diamond Masters “A” in St.Mellans this Thursday evening coming the 27th at 8:30pm, there he plays Dominic Sheridan from Cavan, good luck Mickey.

Juvenile Club Coaching & Leagues. All sessions on going as per coaches, beginners still on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 any juveniles that want to try out the game come down at this time, boys & girls welcome,goggles and non-marking runners a must.

New Gloves. We now have a new stock of handball gloves in, Declan has all so contact him for a pair, adults 15 euro and juveniles are 10 euros.

Good luck. Good luck to the U21 football team as the have now reached the Ulster final, yet again we have many handballers togging out for another decider, good luck to all players and coaching staff.

Ten Ulster Finalists

Congratulations to the 9 boys and 1 girl from the Harps Handball club who reached the Ulster Finals following their semifinal encounters last week in Kingscourt and Belfast. Tiarnan O’Rourke and Deivydas Kaklauskas won the Under 12 Doubles semifinal and now take on the mighty Tyrone pairing of Lorcan and Tiarnan Mc Garrity on Sunday March 9th.  Jakub Szkup won his Under 13 semifinal and will take on multigold-medalist, Lorcan Mc Bride, Tyrone, in the final.  Konrad Kowal and Conor Myles were in good form in their Under 13 Doubles  semifinal and will take on Tyrone’s Dara Curran and Caolan Mc Cartan in the final. Playing a little bit below form was Justas Dambinskas in the Under 14 semifinal.  However he advances to play Tyrone’s Ronan Curran in what is expected to be a very close final.  By all accounts our best performance was displayed by Caileán Myles and Hubert Sheinbach in the Under 14 Doubles semi.  Caileán’s serves were virtually impossible to return.  However the Harps players will be up against a very experienced Tyrone pairing of Cormac Monroe and Darragh Canavan in the final.  Our best prospect of winning an Ulster title lies in the  competent hands of Eoghan Mc Ginnity who will play Cahir Monroe in the Under 12 Singles final. Congratulations to our sole female representative to reach a final, Neda Pasakinskaite, who had a great semifinal victory over Coleen Mc Neely, from County Down.  To be honest she will be up against clear favourite, Ciara Mullan from Tyrone in the Under 14 singles final.
Spare a thought for our beaten semifinalists, Martin Mullen, Viktorija Kaklauskaite, Gabriele Minkstimaite and Megija Jurgita.  Gabriele and Megija only lost out by 15-13 in the deciding game against Derry. Martin and his Tydavnet partner James were unlucky not to advance against Tyrone.
On Sunday next in Beragh we have two adults seeking to win Ulster titles.  Conor Mc Donnell and his Tydavnet partner, Paul Cassidy, will play Antrim in the Golden Masters B final. They have an excellent chance of taking home the title.  Martin Mc Entee will partner Emyvale’s Pete Larkin against Thomas Maguire and Tony Caddell from Antrim in the Emerald Masters A final. To be honest the Belfast pairing is expected to advance having already beaten the Monaghan players in the singles.
Presentation Night
All handball juveniles are asked to attend Friday evening‘s Presentation in the clubhouse. The finalists in the club leagues and blitz competitions are especially welcome as are the successful Ulster juvenile finalists.
By Mary McEneaney Tue 25th Feb

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