CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Éire Óg Notes

February 3rd, 2014

Alpha Lotto – Results for last Sunday nights draw (26th January) were O,C,U,N. There was no winner. Lucky Dip winners Karen&Amy Johnston, Magherarney, Jarlath McQuade, c/o A.McGorman
Damien Mullen, Mulladuff, Canon McAreavey, Magherarney-MD, Paddy Toal, Annamartin, Moira Toal, Annamartin, Margaret Reilly, Aghabog. Congratulations and thanks to all our supporters and sellers. Next Sunday jackpot will be €5,100. We would encourage all of you to participate in the Lotto and spread the word among your family and friends. If you are not in you can’t win.

Operation Transformation – Weather conditions haven’t been great lately, but don’t let that stop you from getting out and getting fit! There is just over 3 weeks to go, so keep getting the miles into the legs!

Éire Óg Ladies – Open day for girls in 3rd to 6th Class in Smithboro hall on Sunday 9th February @ 34pm. All girls who have an interest in joining our football club are asked to come along for a fun filled afternoon of games/activities.

Ladies AGM – The Ladies club reviewed a very successful year at their well attended AGM in the club rooms on Sunday afternoon last. It was very encouraging to see so many younger club members present and it was heartening to see many of them contributing to the various discussions that took place. Outgoing secretary Paddy Monahan gave a very detailed and informative report on all aspects of the clubs activities for 2013. He paid tribute to all players, mentors and club officials who had helped to bring so much success to the Eire Og club in the past year. He also thanked the main club committee for all of their support in ensuring that ladies football remained the tremendous outlet that it is for all interested girls in the Smithboro/Clones area. The secretary concluded by saying that he would not be seeking re-election for 2014. Thankfully he will not be disappearing from us as he is remaining on our committee. We would like to acknowledge the tremendous amount of work put in by Paddy as at times last year he went way beyond the call of duty in his service to the club. The election of officers for 2014 then took place and following a rush to the exits which was halted by security who returned everyone to their seats the 2014 committee was “put in their places” as follows Chairperson Mickey Monahan; Vice Chair Mary Hughes; Sec. Linda Rice; Asst. Sec. Kerrie Hurson; Treasurer Lauren Monahan; Asst. Treas. Mary Hughes; P.R.O. Seamus Reilly; Registrar Lauren Monahan; Children’s Officer Mickey Monahan;

At the meeting the fruits of the club’s 2013 successes were on display in the shape of 4 County cups won by the Under 12s’-Div. 3 Cup; Under 14s’- Div. 3 League and Div. 2 Championship; and the Under 16s’-Div. 3 Cup. This along with the very credible performances at Minor and Reserve level auger well for the future of ladies football in the area.

Mouthguards The GAA recently announced details of the forthcoming national roll-out of the compulsory wearing of mouthguards for all adults for Gaelic football matches and practice sessions from 1st January, 2014. In addition, from 1st January, 2014, this rule will apply to all players at all age grades.

Membership – membership rates for 2014 will remain unchanged at €20 and can be paid to Enda McCluskey. We would encourage existing club members to renew their subscriptions as soon as possible and we would sincerely welcome any newcomers wishing to join.

Congratulations – to former senior player Stephen McGorman and his wife Noelle on the birth of their baby daughter Enya.

Adult Football – The junior football league commences on the 23rd March with the reserve league commencing early March. The draw for the Junior Championship has pitted us against Aughnamullen.

Minors – A DVD of St Tiernachs successful league and championship finals is now available – please contact Mickey Tierney, Seamus Morrow or Joe Leonard for further information.

Coach Education & Development 2014 – Monaghan Coaching & Games Development over the coming months will be running a series of courses and workshops. For further information please visit the Monaghan GAA website – www.monaghangaa,ie or contact Paul O Connor 086 8374827.

Presentation Night – Our annual Club Presentation night will be held on Saturday the 8th March in the Skule Inn. It is hoped a large crowd will gather to reflect and celebrate our year and in particular to congratulate the reserve and minor footballers who will receive their league winning medals. There will also be a number of other awards given out on the night. Before that the minors will be honoured at the Clones GAA club presentation on the 15th February in the Creighton Hotel when they will receive their championship medals as part of the winning St Tiernachs team.

Rule Changes Information Briefing – An information briefing will take place tomorrow evening (Friday) at 7.30PM in the clubrooms. The aim of the gathering is to inform and educate players and managers of minor and adult teams within the club about the new rules of football which came into effect on January 1 past. These include the introduction of the new black card and the introduction of the advantage rule amongst others. The information gathering will be delivered by a specially trained referee tutor.

Well Done – to Joe Gavin, Tommy and Paul Monaghan who were part of the Largy Colleges winninng team.

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