Sympathy is extended to club Chairman Colm Gormley, his wife Patricia and family on the death of Patricia’s mother, Maureen Carraher, last week.
Sympathy also to Kevin and Noreen Carragher and family on the death of Noreen’s brother, Noel McKenna.
Reserve League Div.3
Our first outing of the year takes place on Saturday, 1st March away to Killanny at 4.30pm. This will be followed by a home game against Aghabog on Sunday, 16th March at 2.30pm.
Reserve League Div.1
Our opening game of this league will take place on Saturday, 8th March at 4pm away to the Harps.
Senior League
We play Latton in Latton in the opening game of the senior league on Saturday, 22nd March at 5pm.
U10 Training
Training for u10s will commence on Saturday at 5pm in the Community Centre. All u10 players are welcome, whether they have played before or not.
U14 Training
U14 training will commence on Wednesday next at 7.30pm in the field.
Minors will play in Division 2 this year, with their first league match scheduled for Tuesday, 8th April.
Club History
The club’s history over the past 100 years is currently being updated and recorded. Anyone with club memorabilia from any time period, e.g. match programmes, photos, newspaper cuttings etc., are asked to contact Frank on 0863164178 or All material will be copied and returned intact as soon as possible. There is a particular scarcity of material from the 1970s and 1980s, so anybody with relevant material, please don’t hesitate to ring.
Juvenile Registration
A registration evening for juvenile players will be held on Friday March 7th at 6pm. Parents are reminded of the requirement for one parent of each underage player to be a paid up club member
In order to be a full club member membership fee of e20 must be paid before March 31st
By Mary McEneaney Tue 25th Feb