Donaghmoyne Notes

By Mary McEneaney Fri 10th Jan

Lotto: Our first lotto draw for 2014 will take place this Monday evening January 13th in the clubrooms so all lotto sellers recommence selling.


Donaghmoynes Annual 5k Run: Thanks and well done to everyone who took part or helped out in last Sundays 5k run. The run was a good success and was enjoyed by one and all.  Congratulations to the winners, 1st place in the mens went to Barry Meegan, followed in 2nd by Raymond Smith. In the womens section 1st place went to Elaine Walls and in 2nd Odelle Mc Grane. Once again well done and thanks to all for their support in making the run a success.


Lotto Sellers Wanted: Any children in the parish who would be interested in taking up a lotto selling route would be more than welcome as we would like to cover more and as much of the parish as possible. Each child selling lottos will also receive a commission. Anyone interested can contact Brian on 0872915864.


Lucozade Sport Bottle Caps: The Lucozade Sport Bottle Caps for the Donaghmoyne Club Crusade can be dropped into any of the 4 schools in the Parish, Mc Caugheys shop and also Lisdoonan Shop. Please Support.


Club Merchandise: The time has come to start getting your own on your club colours! The club has a wide range of Merchandise available and heres how you can get your hands on some some of it!


Hoodies can be ordered through Francis O Brien contact Francis on 042 9743313 or 0876996249. Also Hoodies, along with kit bags, can be bought in Declan Loughmans in Castleblayney. Kids Replica Donaghmoyne Jerseys and also shorts and socks can be ordered now aswell, €25 for the kids Replica Jerseys and €20 for the shorts and socks. ALL ORDERS must be given to Tina and no one else. Contact Tina on 0877616769. DONT MISS OUT!!

By Mary McEneaney Fri 10th Jan

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