
By fmctiernan Wed 2nd Oct



Congratulations to Conor Mc Donnell on a marvellous achievement in reaching the semifinal stages in the 60×30 Garda championships.  Conor only just failed to advance to the final by a mere 5 points against eventual winner Paddy Donovan.  Earlier he defeated Mayo’s Sean Cunnane and Wexford’s Michael O’ Neill.


There has been a great improvement in handball skills among our younger players.  In particular Seán Callan and Jake Mc Connon have made amazing progress.  Another player pushing for a place on the club team is James Allen.  Martin Mullen, a student in Beech Hill College, takes much credit for coaching these young players.  A few other players to watch out for include Tiernan O’Rourke, Finn Sleator, Ailandas Jocys, Lucas Virsilas and Nedas Gouga. Our youngest players are Emily and Karolina.

 AGM.Good reports The club held their agm Monday evening past, as usual proceeds went off very smoothly as all officers were re-elected unopposed except for one change as Frank stepped down as treasurer and the vacancy was filled by Declan, full committee, Chairperson Darrin O’ Reilly, Vice Chair Brian Mc Kenna(P), Secertary Kevin Treanor, Assistant Secertary Eamon Todd, Treasurer Declan Mc Kenna, Assistant Treasurer Michael Mc Carron, PRO Peadar Mc Cluskey, Child Protection Officer John Kelly, Assistant CPO Gerldine Harnet, other committee members Brendy Keenan, John Treanor(T), Mickey Todd and OJ Mc Clave, Kevin, Frank and Darrin must be commended on all reports delivered on the night, everyone within the club would like to wish the full committee all the best in the coming season.

Adult Membership.  We will be collecting adult membership over the next few weeks as we have a closing date approaching for county competitions, the closing date for receiving membership monies is October the 17th after that date places in county competitions cannot be guaranteed. Fees are, playing Adults 30 Euros, Students 15 Euros, Juveniles 5 euros and non playing members 10 Euros, also there is a 5 euro charge for all adults as they enter each county competition.

New Adult Team League. We are returning to a 4 man team format for the Mono League this year and also will be running a 1, 2, 3 & 4 man league along side the team league, this will mean that players will be playing for themselves to gain points for a win as well as playing for the 42 points for your team, so this will leave the last players going in even though the game might be up for their team they still have to play for the 2 points for their own graded league, which will be used for relegation and promotion for next years league.

Juvenile Blitz/Registration. The juvenile county championships are being brought forward this year possibly in the 2nd weekend of November, as we are limited in the amount of players that we can enter into each grade 6 in U12 and 4 in the rest of grades U13-Minor we are looking at playing a blitz to fill these places, there will have to be a play-off to see who gets into the U12, U13 and possibly the U14 grades. We will hope to run this off in the next couple of weekends. It is vital that all players get out and start practicing, we will also be using the blitz to gather membership (5 Euros), only players that have paid their membership and that have received a receipt will be able to take part in the county championships.

Committee Meeting. We are holding a committee meeting Tuesday night the 8th of October at 8pm sharp, we ask all committee members to attend, as there will be a few busy weeks to get all up and running for the new season.

By fmctiernan Wed 2nd Oct


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