
By fmctiernan Wed 16th Oct



There was no winner of the Shalotto held in Atkinson’s Shamrock Bar on the 13th October 2013.  Numbers Drawn were: 3-4-6-7.  Lucky Dip Winners: Aaron Sherry, Tasson, Deirdre McElroy, Elena McNally, Amanda McCabe, Ballybay and Laura Kerr, Dunfelimy.  The Jackpot stands at €7,000 and this weekend’s draw will take place in the Social Club on Sunday evening next. You may join the Annual Shalotto Scheme by contacting any member of the Club Committee.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL Shalotto tickets must be handed in by 9.30 p.m. every Sunday evening to ensure that they go into the draw.

Lotto Rota: This Sunday – Brendan McNally and Maurice Branigan.



Have you joined our Cairde Cremartin scheme yet?  Membership of Cairde Cremartin entitles you to your own exclusive Club Jacket (which is now on display in the Club), includes Club Membership and entry into various draws.  See any Committee Member for more details on how to join and support your Club.

Cairde Jackets – Anyone who has yet to receive their Club Cairde Jacket please contact our Club Chairman and they will be distributed shortly.


Fixtures: Our final game of the league is against Drumhowan and is due to take place on Sunday 27th October next.


Please note that our AGM will take place this year on Sunday 10th November in Cremartin.  Please keep this date free.  Nomination papers have been distributed.  If you have not received your nomination forms please contact Club Secretary Majella Boyd on 086 3859430.


The Patrick McGuigan Memorial Cup and Shield:

The Patrick McGuigan Memorial Cup and Shield took place last Saturday morning in Cremartin with four teams taking part: Cremartin, Clontibret, Aughnamullen and Rockcorry.  Aughnamullen and Clontibret progressed to the final with Aughnamullen running out the winners of Patrick McGuigan Cup.  Well done to our own boys who claimed the Shield after their win over Rockcorry.  Many thanks to all the teams for taking part and a big thank you to all the parents and supporters and everyone involved in making the event such a great success.


Halloween Disco/Cake Sale:

Annyalla N.S. and Cremartin GAA Juveniles are calling all Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins to untie their parents, dig up their friends and come along to our Halloween Disco and Cake Sale on Friday 25th October in Cremartin Hall at 7.00 p.m. with DJ Sarah.  Gobble up goodies in the rafters or dance in the dungeon.  Parents in disguise, compete for a prize.  Adm €5 per child.  Past and present pupils all very welcome.


Gala Banquet: Coiste Chontae Mhuineacháin are organising a Gala Banquet in the Hillgrove Hotel, Monaghan on Friday 15th November 2013 to celebrate our County teams wonderful successes this year. Team Panels will be presented with their Championship and League medals on the night.  Tickets are €75.00 each.  Please contact our Club Secretary Majella Boyd for more details.


Baby Joy: Congratulations to Paul and Emma McNally on the recent birth of their beautiful baby boy Frankie.


Astro Turf Pitch

Anyone wishing to book the Astro Pitch can do so by contacting Gerry Carragher on 087 2921926. Also available for parties.


Notes for Publication

Please be aware that Club Notes have to be submitted by 9.00 p.m. on Monday evening. Please contact Dairíne McBennett on 086 3362049 or email








By fmctiernan Wed 16th Oct

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