Monaghan Senior Ladies Open Night ahead of All-Ireland Final

By Mary McEneaney Fri 13th Sep

A Chairde,

On Behalf of the Monaghan Senior Ladies Panel we would like to invite you to our Media and Open Night that will be held in the Monaghan Training Complex at Cloghan on Tuesday, September 17 at 7pm.

There will be a group of players along with the team manager available for all interviews including TV, radio and Papers. I would stress at this time that these will be the only Interviews that will be carried out by the players or management team except for the Captains Day at Croke Park on Tuesday, September 24.

We are delighted to be in the 2013 All-Ireland Final and a lot of thanks at this stage must go to our senior ladies who have been fantastic to date in the Championship with wins over Donegal, Tyrone, Laois and Galway to progress to the September 29 decider against Cork.

Also at this time we would like to thank our sponsor Investec for the continued Support of Monaghan Ladies Gaelic and may we have a long and mutually beneficial relationship.

We are also holding an ‘Open Night’ in conjunction with the media night where all clubs will be invited to bring their underage players down to meet the county team. This is a fantastic chance for your underage players to meet the senior team before the All-Ireland Final and we would encourage a massive turnout.


By Mary McEneaney Fri 13th Sep

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