Club Monaghan Draw All Ireland Ticket & Accomodation Winner

By Mary McEneaney Tue 17th Sep

” Club Monaghan are holding a 2013 Championship draw with a view to raising funds for our county teams and the development of Cloghan. A draw will be held at each championship game where 1 winning ticket for every 50 sold will go into a draw at the end of the club season for the following prizes.

1. All Ireland final tickets plus overnight accomodation [Ciaran McArdle Doohamlet]
2. 300 litres of home heating oil
3. iPhone
4. E250 worth of petrol/diesel
5. Framed Monaghan jersey signed by minor and senior panels
6. Season ticket for all Monaghans home games in NFL Div 2 in 2014 plus pass to all club c’ship games in the county
7. Weekend break away in hotel with concert package
8. Weekend break in a country hotel
9. Christmas food hamper.

Tickets are E2 each or 3 for E5. Come along and support your club and county. If you’re not in,you cant win!

Muineachan Abu “

By Mary McEneaney Tue 17th Sep

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