On Wednesday 3rd July a selection of summer camp coaches undertook Sun Smart training in preparation for summer camps. This project involves an education component introducing children to the SunSmart code in a fun way.The SunSmart code outlines four actions to protect skin when outdoors – cover up, seek shade (11-3), wear wraparound sunglasses , sunscreen(SPF15 or higher and UVA protection) Why do it now – because the sun damage they get in early years lays the foundation for developing skin cancer in later life. By protecting their skin today kids can reduce the chance of getting skin cancer in the futureAbout skin cancer – it is the most common cancer in this country with 9450 new cases diagnosed in 2010. Of those 702 cases in 15-44yr olds.
PLENTY OF PLACES STILL AVAILABLE ON ALL CAMPS. PLEASE CONTACT PAUL O’CONNOR ON 0868374827 OR @ developmentmanager.monaghan@gaa.ie or log onto www.monaghangaa.ie
By poconnor Thu 4th Jul