CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website


June 11th, 2013

Lotto: This week’s results are14, 16, 8, 21. No winner this week so the jackpot for next week is €2500. The winners of the lucky dip are Eamonn Mc Mahon, Annadruman,  Maureen Cole, New York, Enda Quinn, Stephen Quinn and Andrea Quinn Drumacon.

Astro-Turf: Spaces available contact Louis @ 087-6503826.

Circuit Training: taking place in the community centre on every Mon & Thu night from 8.30 til 9.30, all ages, fitness levels, male and female, €5 pp. Everyone welcome.

Club Membership: is €40 for an adult, €20 for students, and €60 for a family and €30 for a single-parent family. Membership in the form of Club Toome is also available. Please get in touch with any committee member for further details.

Gum Shields: It is mandatory for all players up and to including minors to wear gum shields at training and in games. As there are insurance issues involved it will not be possible to allow players to train or play without the gum shields. The regulations will be introduced for adult competitions in 2014.

Dancing Classes for all age groups in the styles of Modern, Line, Salsa, Hip-Hop, Funky, Waltz, Irish and many more. Classes are on a Tuesday night from 7pm-8pm in Toome Community Centre. Everybody Welcome.

Club website: has chalked up 3,000 hits since December 12, with 88.4% from Ireland, 6% from UK, 5.4% from USA, 0.2 from outside these areas. Families with relations in UK, USA or anywhere in the world are asked to make them aware of this local facility. Don’t forget to read John McBride’s take on the upcoming Antrim match.

Results: Unfortunately Toome lost to a strong Killanny side in the Junior Football League last Saturday. Toome 1-7 Killanny 0.14.

Thanks: to Shoe City and Annalitten eggs on their very generous sponsorship in recent weeks for the senior team. It was greatly appreciated.

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