CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website


June 18th, 2013

Lotto Results for Sunday last. Numbers drawn were 7, 1, 23, 26.  There was no winner. Next weeks jackpot now stands at €4,300. Lucky dip winners: Eddie Mc Ardle, Shane Geoghegan, Maureen Cambell, Gerry Swingburn, Marty Burke, Paul Hamill, Paddy Coyle, Mary King, Jackliene Mc Ardle . Next weeks lotto team is : Angie Geoghegan Duffy, Mary Duffy, Brian Mc Ardle, Lee Conlon.

Senior:  The Seniors recorded their first win of the league when they held out for a 3 point victory over neighbours Drumhowan on a scoreline of 1-09 to 1-06, this was a gutsy performance from the lads and hopefully they can build on this win and move up the table any way on to the game we went into the lead with 2 points by Mark Mc Ardle and a goal by Eddie Mc Ardle but a goal by Drumhowan reduce the lead and points were shared and at half time lead by 3 1-5 to 1-2.  Into the second half the same pattern continued and entering the final few minutes lead by 4 although drumhowan reduced it to 3 and we held out for victory on a scoreline of 1-09 to 1-06
Team V Drumhowan Gary Mulligan, Damien Hamilton, Colm Flanagan, Thomas Finnegan,  Paul Connolly, Michael Keenan, Keith Sheridan, Thomas Hughes, Shane Conlon, Sean Sheridan,  Mark Meegan, Edmond Mc Ardle,  Christopher Keenan, Pete Dooney, Mark Mc Ardle
Subs Niall Mooney for Paul Connolly, Aidan Flanagan for Mark Meegan

Juniors: The Juniors received the points against  Oram in the league on Wednesday night last they also play Emyvale in the championship on sunday next in emyvale at 4pm all support welcome.

Minors: No games until July 9th. training continues every Tuesday at 8.45pm

U16’s Have their 1st game after a 4 week break home against Latton tonight Thursday at 7.30pm. All support welcome.Training will continue every Monday evening at 7pm.

U14’s: Suffered a hard defeat on Saturday last against Donaghmoyne. Thanks to Gussie & Margaret Forde for Sponsoring the Food after the Championship Final on Tuesday week last. Also to Micheal & Jennifer Geoghegan for sponsoring crisps an drinks. Thank you.

U12’s.Have a home game against Killanny on Tuesday Evening at 7:30 pm. All support welcome.

U10’s Went to Drumhowan for blitz last Saturday, this team performed very well and really enjoyed the blitz. Thanks to host club.

U8’s are also out in blitz this coming Saturday in Drumhowan, message will be sent out to players/parents regarding same.

Sarsfield Stars: Training continues on Sat mornings at 10am.
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Congrats: Congratulations  Joe & Caroline Gilliland on the birth of their Baby Boy. Also To  former club referee Garryowen Mc Mahon and  Niamh Roche who got married last weekend.

Best Wishes: Best wishes to Sam & Pete Dooney on their travels in the USA

Stewards: The club are hosting junior championship game between Toome and Killevan this Friday night at 8pm can all stewards be at the field for 7pm please

Ladies Notes
Seniors: Are continuing to train on Monday/Friday evenings and getting a few challenge game organised.
Note: Players that are not affiliated are not registered to play and cannot play.
Please get registeration fees to Bernie McBrien as soon as possible.

U16’s/Minor’s Are continuing to train on Tuesday evenings at 6:30. Have to see some players out yet at this level.

U 14 Won their semi-final on Monday night last against O’Neills in the league. See paper next week for result, Final will be played on Monday next the 24th of June. Check fixtures for time. All support Welcome.

U10’s Went to blitz in Doohamlett and gave a great performance, winning 2 games and loosing one, Well done to the girls and to Martin Murnaghan & Co.
Thanks to Doohamlett for hosting the blitz.
Finally we wish all the girls the best in their respective exams, nearly there girls.

Anyone who wants notes added contact Angie Geoghegan Duffy on 0861012243 or

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