Lotto: No winner for the week 04/02/13 numbers drawn were 9-15-19-28, winners of the €20 lucky dip were Patricia Betz New York, Stephen Quinn Drumacon, Paul Shortt Dundalk Rd, Damien O’Reilly Analitten, Jimmy Lambe Toome. Next Week’s jackpot is €1900.
Astro-Turf: Spaces available contact Louis @ 087-6503826.
Circuit Training: taking place in the community centre on every Mon & Thu night from 8.30 til 9.30, all ages, fitness levels, male and female, €5 pp. Everyone welcome.
Club Membership: is now due €40 for an adult, €20 for students, and €60 for a family and €30 for a single-parent family.
Gum Shields: just a reminder that as an from Jan 1st it is mandatory for all players up and to including minors to wear gum shields at training and in games. As there are insurance issues involved it will not be possible to allow players to train or play without the gum shields. The regulations will be introduced for adult competitions in 2014.
Senior Training: commenced on Fri night last, no doubt the lads are glad to be back out on the playing field! We welcome aboard our team manager for the year Noel Marron we wish him and the lads all the very best of luck for 2013.
By michael Wed 6th Feb