CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website


January 16th, 2013

Latton GFC Notes – Week Beginning 14th January 2013

New Year

All the best to club members and supporters for the New Year and let’s hope it’s a great success on and off the field.

On Sunday 13th in Liam Smyths bar numbers drawn were: 1-8-27-2 Bonus No.9 No winner €20 Winners, Thomas ó Byrne, Canningstown. Ray Treanor, c/o Maple bar. Michelle Fitzpatrick, Anney. Duane Wilson, Bailieboragh.  Cathel Quise. Next week’s draw in C D bar Ballybay.

Committee Meeting

A meeting of the Executive Committee will take place Thursday 17th at 9 0’clock.

Club membership

Membership for the year is now due, all players juvenile & adult will have to be paid up members to be covered by the GAA insurance.  Membership can be paid to Mickey Duffy or any committee member, €20 per adult and €10 for u16.

Juvenile football

There will be ajuvenile committee meeting on Thursday 24th January at 8 0’ clock. There are a lot of kids from u6 to u16 so don’t leave all the work to a few people anyone interested in helping out will be very welcome.


From January 1st 2013 it will be mandatory for all players up to and including minor to use a mouthguard for training sessions and all matches.

Awards night

Our annual awards night will be held on February 9th, this is always a great night with good food and lively entertainment so put the date in the dairy.

Coaching course

Foundation and level 1 coaching courses will be held in the coming weeksanyone interested in attending these very worthwhile courses can contact Martin Duffy on 086 8785530 for more information.

St. Macartans collage

In 2013 St, Macartans are celebrating 100 years of Gaelic games in the collage, to mark this milestone the collage in inviting all past pupils to a special centenary gala ball on Saturday 16th of February in the Hillgrove Hotel. For details contact the school office @ 047-81642.

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