CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website


January 8th, 2013

Ballybay Bulgebusters “Beat the bulge and get active” Registration for Beat the bulge and get active is on Monday night  from 7pm to 9pm at the centre, Fee 60€ for 9 weeks includes 2 classes per week and a walk on Sunday morning at 10.30 am.” lets get active for 2013″

Civic Reception Ballybay Town Council are hosting a civic reception to acknowledge Ballybay Pearse Bros winning county Championship on Monday 14th Jan at 8 pm in Wetlands Centre at 8pm.
Monaghan GAA County Awards Night. The Monaghan GAA awards night takes place on Sat 19th Jan in the Hilgrove Hotel. Special Guest speaker on the night is Michael Diugnan, All Ireland medal winner and Sunday Game analyst. Ballybay Pearse Brothers have four awards to collect. Drew Wylie Senior player of the year, Paul Finlay County player of the year, Jason Mc Andrew Juvenile referee of the year and Referees club merit award. Please contact Secretary Pam Coyle 0868328516 by Monday 14th for tickets for the above event.
County Senior team. Well done to senior county team on winning 1st game of Mc Kenna cup , Shane Mc Quillan and Tommy O’Neill from our club are on the panel. Next game against Donegal away on Sunday 13th Jan.
Juveniles: Ballybay Pearse Bros are running an indoor winter training programme for boys between ages 6 and 11 years old in the recreation centre for  5 weeks beginning on Tues 15th January ,€2 per child or €10 in total payable on 1st night . Contact Enda Monaghan 0851509241 for further details.
Poker Classic The Club are holding Poker classic on 3rd  Feb in club house. Tickets available from all bars in Ballybay.

Club Membership Membership is now due and can be paid to Paddy Kerr and John Keenan. 50€ per per person which includes entrance into all Pearse Brothers home league games or 20€ per person. membership must be paid before 31st March and all players must have membership for players insurance,                                                                  Sympathy  Ballybay Pearse brothers wish to extend deepest sympathy to Kenny and liz Parker on the death of his mother and to our club player James Allister and his family on the untimely death of his mother. May they be at peace.
Championship Video Copies of the county championship final is available from Smiths newsagents

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