
By michael Tue 13th Nov


November 13th ‘12

Monaghan County Camogie relegated to Junior “B”

Not having won any games during the year in the Junior A category and having to withdraw from competition in the early stages meant that the County team has been relegated to Junior B Status in the ALL Ireland Championship for 2013. So hopefully they will find themselves in a more “ level playing field” for the coming year when they meet Kerry, Wicklow, Kildare 2nd team and Meath 2nd team . Their first match is away to Kerry on 23rd. June.

County U16’s

The County U16 team have been placed in the All Ireland “C” category when they take on Roscommon, Wicklow, Louth and Meath with the first outing also on 23rd. June when they are home to Roscommon.

Strength & Conditioning for Camogie Workshops

Ulster Camogie will be running a series of Strength & Conditioning for Camogie Workshop’s over the next few weeks. The courses are designed to show County and Club coaches how to bring teach basic Strength & Conditioning programmes for your players

A Courses will take place IN St. Ciarans,College  Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone on Saturday 1st of December from 11am- 2pm.

Participants should wear active gear ie. Shorts and t shirt/ a tracksuit. Activity will be interactive but not too strenuous. Participants should also bring a pen and notepad to take notes on content covered. The workshop will be run free of charge. The workshop is available for coaches and players alike who would like to increase their knowledge on physical preparation for Camogie.

Attendance can be confirmed by contacting Ulster Regional Development Coordinator Ross Corbett- or on 07435769094

Underage Development

Have you ever watched your child practice Camogie and wished you could play with them?  Well you can do it all with the Truagh Camogie Club and Ger Gribben , Regional Development Officer  innovative “Come Hurl With Me”.  So if you have never picked up a Camogie stick before, this is the course for you! This free course caters for all parents and will begin tonight 15th November 2012 in St. Mellan’s Complex, from 6:30pm until 7:30pm.  Please bring your daughter with you to join in the fun….

By michael Tue 13th Nov


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