October 30th ‘12
Camogie Convention
Now that all the competitions and celebrations in Camogie circles have been done and dusted it’s time to get down to the administrative side of affairs ,which brings us to the end of year Convention which will be held in the Glencarn Hotel on Monday evening next 5th November when proceedings get underway at 7pm.
Nomination forms have been circulated and clubs by now should have returned their forms to Arlene Mc Geeney. The Chairperson’s position is up for grabs due to the early withdrawal of Malachy Trainor during the year and it is hoped that offers will be forthcoming for the position of Secretary which remains unfilled. Thanks to the Treasurer Arlene Mc Geeney who kept the” ship afloat” when she assumed both roles during the year.
Ulster Camogie Awards Lunch 2012
The Ulster Camogie Awards Lunch will take place on November 24th in Kelly’s Inn, Garvaghey, Ballygawley from 1pm to 4pm.
All competition winners (captains/managers) will be expected to be represented, bringing along their trophies
Austin O’Callaghan of the BBC will be presenting the Awards Lunch.
Tickets are priced at £15- which includes Roast Turkey & Ham Dinner, selection of Desserts and Tea/Coffee
Nominations and booking forms can be either emailed to Ciaran Kearney- Ulster Camogie Administration Manager or posted to the following address. Ulster Camogie
8-10 Market Street
BT61 7BX
ckearney@camogie.ie (07825855718
‘Mum and Me’ / ‘Come Hurl with Me’
Gerard Gribben Regional Development Co-ordinator For North Leinster/South Ulster, is aiming to set up a programme in Truagh to try and re-invigorate Camogie in the area.
He is willing to come and Tutor the programme but has requested the club to assign a co-ordinator for the programme and also to book an indoor hall. He is looking to target Camogie, Hurling and Ladies Football parents and their children so would primarily be targeting the U10 and U8 groups. A meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 6th November in St. Mellans complex to facilitate this programme and it is hoped to see a large attendance on the night, who are willing to help with the under age structure.
By michael Tue 30th Oct