CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Killanny Notes

May 28th, 2012


We played Emyvale last night in Pairc Eanna . Full report next week
Under 12
Our under 12 team had a 2 point victory over Latton in their first league game of div 3 eleven a side.. Team: Ronan Grimes, Tiernan O Brien, Ciaran Guinan, Conor O Callaghan,Ciaran Fitzgerald, Sean Finn, Cian Duffy, Kyle Connolly, Darren Leegan,Aodhan McConnon, David Leegan,Patrick Martin, Conor Finnegan, Sean Goodman, Mark Lambe And Adam McElroy. Training continues every monday at 5.30 pm sharp. Next game is Eire Og on Sat 9th.
We wish all our members who are sitting their leaving and junior certificates exams atthe moment the best of luck
 Monaghan Kelloggs Cul Camps
Any coach who is seeking to work at the Cul Camps this year must have their application form in by the 31st May.
We send our condolences to Tommy Collins and Family and to the Byrne Family on the death of Aisling Collins. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dhilis.

We sympathise with Dr. Kelly  and the Petters Family on the death of Redmond Petters. Ar dheis De go raibh a h-anam dhilis

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