Draws for O’Duffy and Crawley Cup quarter-finals

By michael Tue 8th May

The draws for the quarter-finals of the Platinum Tanks Reserve Football Championships were made at Tuesday’s county committee meeting. All games will be played on either Friday, May 18 or Friday, May 25 (first named at home):


O’Duffy Cup:

Castleblayney v Corduff

Drumhowan v Killeevan

Latton v Magheracloone

Monaghan Harps v Scotstown


Crawley Cup:

Aghabog/Fergal O’Hanlons v Scotstown

Clones v Aughnamullen/Castleblayney

Oram v Éire Óg

Seán McDermotts v Emyvale


By michael Tue 8th May

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