Currin Notes

By michael Tue 22nd May

21st May 2012

Currin GFC Notes


Lotto Results:

Week ending, Sunday May 20th 2012. Numbers, 2 -9-11-23.  No Jackpot Winner. €15 Prizewinners: Patrick & Lisa Connolly, Rockcorry. Brian Conlon, Newbliss. Katie Mc Guirk, Connons. Deirdre Quigley, Scotshouse. Sue Ellen Smith, Bunnoe. Roger Carey, Scotshouse. Sean Quigley,        Cavanreagh, Scotshouse. Sean Leonard, Drumgramph. Danny Mc Carney, c/o St Enda’s N.S. Deirdre Parker, Drumully, Newtownbutler. Next Weeks Jackpot   €7,100.00. Next draw Sunday May 27th in Connolly’s Lounge Scotshouse.



Our next game in the senior football league is scheduled for Wednesday evening 30th May away to Truagh. Throw in is at 8.00p.m. in St Mellan’s.


Juvenile and Youth.

Under 10’s: Currin took part in the ‘Go Games Blitz’ in Rockcorry on Saturday last. They all had an enjoyable morning and played very well. They played and won their three games, and there were many star performances. Thank you to the Rockcorry club for an enjoyable day and the team photo which is now posted on the Currin section of the Monaghan GAA website.
Under 14’s: We played Clones on Monday evening in Clones. This was another great team performance and Currin finished worthy winners. Keep up the good work. U-14s play Clontibret on Saturday 2nd June at home. Your support for all juvenile games would be appreciated.

Training: U-14 Training takes place every Thursday from 4 15pm to 5.30pm and training for all juveniles is on Saturday mornings from 11am to 12.15pm.
At the ‘meet the County teams morning’ in Cloghan on Sunday last, Danny Mc Quaid showed off his great skills by winning the crossbar challenge.

Ulster Championship.

The best of luck to our two representatives, Dick and Stephen on Sunday in the Ulster Championship game against Antrim in Clones. It is a great honour for our small club to have two players on the senior county championship team. We wish them well.


An Post,‘ Ras’, 2012.

On Saturday next  between two o clock and three o clock approximately, Stage 7 of the ‘An Post’ cycle race will go through Scotshouse on its from Donegal via Belturbet and  Redhills through Scotshouse onto Newbliss and finishing in Cootehill. This will be an exciting sporting event not to be missed. There will be a King of the Mountains sprint finish , in Ture past the Quigley household. This is obviously in recognition of the outstanding cycling feats of baby arnold.

The Area Finals in Athletics will be held on Monday 28th May at 6pm at Killeevan National School Grounds. Events for Under 8,10,12,14 and 16 plus novelty races.

The 43rd Annual Irish Church Music Association Summer School will take place in St Patrick’s College Maynooth from Monday 2nd July to Friday 6th July. We have been very fortunate to have guest directors of International renown and this year is no exception as we are delighted to have Marty Haugen as Guest Director. Marty is renowned as a Liturgical Composer and Music Director. The week presents many daily workshops and tutorials in the areas of Cantor Training % Voice Production, Parish & Contemporary Music, Conducting, Composition, Irish in the Liturgy & Organ.

Ecumenical Prayer & Service at Round Tower, Inniskeen on Sunday 27th May at 3pm led by Bishop Liam McDaid and Bishop John McDowell. Mr Larry McDermott will speak on the history of the site and Sr Una Agnew on The Mystical Imagination of Patrick Kavanagh. You are most welcome to attend. Parking available in the grounds.

Bus to Eucharistic Congress: There will be a bus going to the Eucharistic Congress on Thursday 14th June leaving from Clones at 9am. Those interested in going should let Fr Corrigan or Fr Cathal Deery know.

HB Ice Cream Family Fun Day in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland in Gaelscoil Eois, Roslea Road, Clones on Sunday 10th June from 3-6pm. There will be lots of fun activities on the day including an ice cream party, face painting, pottery, cake sale, arts and crafts and old fashioned fair games. Come along as it promises to be a great family fun day out.

Athletics Training on Tuesday at 6.30pm. New members welcome. County National Schools Competition on Wednesday 6th June.

Tanagh Outdoor Education Centre Summer camp Vacancies. That time of year again! Enrolment is now for the summer camp programmes for ages 9-12 and 13-16 year. These week long programmes run throughout July & August. For further details contact Sharon, Monaghan VEC,             047-20888       or visit the website:!

Wanting to go to College in September 2012? Thinking of changing your mind within CAO? Dundalk Institute of Technology is hosting an Open Evening for prospective students and/or their parents on Monday 28th May 6-8pm in The Muirhevna Building. This is your last chance to get information on courses on offer in DkIT as well as getting advice and guidance about going to college and using the CAO change of mind facility.

X-Pert Education Training Programme for people with Type 2 Diabetes will be starting in the HSE Primary Care Building, Business Technology Park, Clones on Tuesday 5th June. It is a free course that runs for 6 weeks. Anyone interested in attending please contact Elaine McKenna on             047-75862       for more information.

Pro-Life Meetings: Thursday 24th May 7.30 Errigal Hotel, Cootehill, Co Cavan. The life institute is hosting a series of nationwide public information meetings. Dr Eoghan De Faoite will assess the looming threat to Irish pro-life laws and explain what must be done to counteract it. For any queries please phone             01-8730465      .

Lough Derg: One day retreats continue during the month of May. Booking essential for one day retreats. Three day pilgrimage begins on 1st June and continues until 15th August. Full details available from             071-9861518       or

The Protestant Orphan Society Co Monaghan will host a Coffey morning extended into lunch this Friday 25th May between 10.30 and 2.30pm at Bishopcourt, Clones. At noon Mr George Knoght will speak on The Maddens of Spring Grove and the hands of Bishopscourt. There will be a cake and plant stall. The Bishop of Clogher will be in attendance.

Connons Gardening Class. Saturday 26th May 10am – 2pm. Peter McDwyer will organise the event sponsored by Oak Healthy Living. Admission €4.

Cookery Demonstration at Connons Community Centre on Monday 18th June at 8pm sharp with author broadcaster and Chef instructor Frank Moynahan. Admission €10.

Scotshouse ICA still have a few places left for their trip to Titanic Belfast.Now is your last chance to book. Please contact Irene O’Brien on             086 217 1351       to book your place now.

Scotshouse Bingo every Tuesday at 9pm in the Community Centre.

Music with Pat McCabe every Thursday at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

By michael Tue 22nd May

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