Emyvale Notes

By michael Tue 17th Apr

Emyvale GAA Club Notes for Thursday 19th April

Scor: Our Scor Set Team represents the club and province in Killarney this Saturday night in the All Ireland Final for the fourth year in a row. Best of luck to all involved. Full Report Next Week.


Minors: Our Minors played Latton last Tuesday evening in Tully in their first game of the year, in what proved to be a very enjoyable game of football however despite the best of effort and we lost by a point. Final score was Emyvale 1-13 Latton 2-11. This week they played on Tuesday night against Donaghmoyne, Report to follow next week. The next Minor fixture is: MFL 2 Tuesday 24-April 7.15pm Emyvale (Minors) V Truagh


RFL Div 4: Emyvale (C) 0-07 V Aghabog 2-10

Our C team where defeated by a strong Aghabog team last Wednesday evening despite the final score and the defeat. We still had some good performances all over the field.

Emyvale Team: Stephan Mc Aree, Blaine Murphy, Michael Flood, Darren Curly, Emlyn Mc Gee, Kieran Mc Aree, Shane Mc Carron, Fergal Watterson, Thomas Doody(0-01), Karl Mc Quaid, Brendan Askin(0-04), Fintan Mc Kenna, Eoin Mc Kenna(0-01), Barry Mc Carron(0-01) Connor Corrigan. Subs Used: Brendan Keenan, Barry Hughes, Colm Mc Adam


Annual lotto: The Club would like to thank all those who continued to support the Club’s annual lotto for the past year. Promoters will be out selling tickets again for the upcoming year in the next couple of weeks. Your support for this would be greatly appreciated.


Garda Vetting Forms: Are available from Francis Mc Aree, Tonynumery, Emyvale.

All coaches and mentors are required to be garda vetted.


Upcoming Fixtures:

Junior Football League: Sunday 22nd April 2.00pm Emyvale V Blackhill

RFL Div 4 Sunday 22nd Apri1 6.00pm Fergal O Hanlons V Emyvale (C)

Junior Football League: Wednesday 25th Apri1 7.30pm Aghabog V Emyvale

Junior Football League: Sunday 29th April 2.00 Emyvale V Oram


U/8, U /10: Training continues every Saturday from 12.00-1.00pm in Tully.


U/14: Training continues every Monday & Wednesday from 7.00-8.00pm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     U/16: Training continues every Monday & Wednesday from 8.00 9.00pm 


Juvenile Fixtures: U14 League Div 1: Emyvale V Monaghan Harps on Saturday 21st at 1.15 in Tully.

U 14 Div 5: Emyvale V Monaghan Harps on Saturday 21st at 12.00 in Tully.

U16 League Div 1: Emyvale V Killanny on Thursday 26th at 7.00pm in Tully.


Annual Quiz: Our annual Juvenile Table Quiz will be held on the 27th of April in the Scarna Inn at 9.00pm Sharp. Table of 4 costs €40 and all proceeds from the Quiz will go towards the purchase of training equipment and various activities for all the juvenile in the club. Your support will be much appreciated. Refreshments will be served.


Bingo: Continuing again on Thursday nights in the Emyvale leisure centre at 9.00pm. Jackpot € 5,600 on 45 calls or less and Mini Jackpot € 500 on 49 calls or less €1900 Guaranteed. Bingo cleaning rota for April: Barry Mc Carron and Stephan Mc Aree


Emylott: Nos. drawn 15th Apr.:- 5, 6, 10, 15.   Two ‘Match 3’ winners (€75 each):- Phillip Brady, Drumhillock (yearly);  Seamus Hughes, Cootehill.  Promoter’s Prize:- Kevin McQuillan & James McKenna.  Next Week’s Jackpot:- €1,400.


Club Juvenile Notes: All Juvenile Notes to be sent by Email or phone to Paudie Donohue 086 8417993 or donohues07@hotmail.com

Club Notes: Emyvale GAA team coaches and mentors who would like details of their training sessions, games or activities included in the weekly club notes please contact Barry 0874103569 or pro.emyvale.monaghan@gaa.ie before 8pm on Monday evening

By michael Tue 17th Apr

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