Toome Notes

By michael Mon 5th Mar

 Lotto: No winner for the week 05/03/12 numbers drawn were 7-19-20-23, winner of the €20 lucky dip were Linda Conlon Toome, Paddy Mc Ardle Drumlanrick, Noel Gorman Toome, Enda Mc Bride CMX, Patrick Ward Coolskeagh . Next week’s jackpot is €2,900. Anyone owing €50 towards their lotto its now due.

Astro-Turf: Spaces available contact Louis @087-6503826.

Easter Draw: Tickets now on sale for our annual draw, with Easter eggs kindly sponsored by Mc Ardle Carpentry and Building contractors ltd.

Membership Fees Now Due: Family €60, Single Parent Family €30, Adult €40, Juvenile €10, Student €10.  Registrations can be made every Monday @ Toome Centre between 6.30pm & 7.30pm.

Coaching Courses: Run by Monaghan GAA, if there is anyone interested in participating in any of these the club is willing to subsidise half the cost of the course.

R.F.L: we played at home to Emyvale on Sun March 4th we came out tops with a final score line of Toome 2-5 Emyvale 0-7pts

Missing Burco Boiler: if anyone knows of its where abouts we would be grateful for its return to the centre or to any committee member.

Club Lotto Sellers: Any minor interested in selling lotto’s for a cut of the ticket (20 cent a ticket) contact Andrea on 087-6786560.

Super-Touch Blitzes: for the u13s, there will be two taking place on the following dates 15th March and the 22nd March.

Strenghtening&Conditioning: Continues on a Monday from 6.30pm-7.30pm.

Good Luck:  To our senior panellist Gary Casey who is away on his adventures to Australia.

Sympathies: Are extended to the Mc Mahon and Mc Ardle family on the death of Kathleen (Kitty) Mc Mahon Lisnamoyle and to Livean Mulligan on the death of her father.  Ar dheis De go raibh a anam dilish. The Toome community said goodbye to one of our much loved members Kitty Mc Mahon (nee Mc Ardle) Lisnamoyle and Toome who passed away on Thursday last 1st March.Kitty was a founder member of Toome Camogie Club. Through her endeavours both on and off the field the club achieved many successes.Kitty was also a founder member of Toome Dramatic Society and is well remembered for her considerable acting abilities.In recognition of her outstanding contribution to the football, camogie and drama over many decades she was the recipient of the Hall of Fame award in 1994.The club would like to sympathise with her husband Brian, daughter Margaret, sons Martin and Jim and extended family. She will be sadly missed.Ar deis De go raibh a anam.

By michael Mon 5th Mar

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