Killeevan Notes

By michael Tue 27th Mar

Cumann Peile na Sairsealaigh Cill Laobhain

Club Notes – 29/03/12


Sraith Faoi 12/Under 12 League.

Cill Laobhain V Buíochar.  Home game against Rockcorry i bPáirc na Sairsealaigh at 12 noon Saturday 31st March 2012



Ba mhaith leis an chlub ár gcomhbhrón a thabhairt do chlann Sue Redmond, Lios Darach. The club extends it’s sympathy to the family of the late Sue Redmond, Newbliss, who passed away Saturday 24th March.  Suimhneas Sorraí di.


Poker Bliantúil/Annual poker

Dáta eile fá choinne an dialann. Good Friday 6th April at 8pm will see the club’s third annual Poker classic in the Acorn Centre, Lios Darach.

Dearg nó Dubh!

Anyone interested in ordering a copy of the Red or Black DVD, bí i dteagmháil le Patricia on 086 6048333. Costas €10.


Damhsa Bliantúil/Annual Dinner Dance

Dinner dance will take place Easter Sunday April 8th so keep that date free.  Ticéadaí €15 ar fail ón choiste.  Tickets available from the Committee.  Don’t miss out on a great club night.


Scoláireachtaí Gaelteachta/ Gaeltacht Scholarships

Interviews for Gaeltacht Scholarships will take place in the Enterprise Centre  Castleblayney on Saturday 21st April beginning at 10am. These are half scholarships and are available for students in the 14 to 17 years of age bracket. There is no need to book in advance. If you need further information email Déis mhaith fá choinne déagóirí a chuid Gaeilge a chleachtadh.


Bailiúcháin Éadaí/Clothing Collection.

Glanadh an earraigh le déanamh? Juvenile Girls and boys are holding an unwanted clothing collection during the month of April.  Anyone spring cleaning could you hold onto any clothes, handbags, shoes etc. for the club.  Tuilleadh eolais le fáil on choistí fir agus mná.  More details from Ladies and Men’s committees.


Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line is open on: 086 1722923



Níor bhuaigh aon duine an phóta oir an seachtaine seo.

There was no winner of our lotto jackpot  (Sunday 25/03/12)


Na hUimhreacha a bhaineadh.

3. 14. 15 .17.


€30 Lucky dip winner: 

Mary McCabe, Scotshouse.


€20 Lucky dip winner:

Packie & Mai Croakin, Smithboro.

John, Noreen, Paul McDonnell, Newbliss.

Jim McDermott, Scotshouse.

Aisling Donaghy, Newbliss.

Vincent & Emma Martin, Newbliss.


An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €5,400

The draw will take place in The Stag Inn Sunday night 01/04/12.

Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.


Uainchlár Chrannchur/Lotto Rota

Jane Flynn, Gerry McGuigan, Jim Graham, Kevin & Geraldine Quail, Darren Greenan & Pat O’Leary.


By michael Tue 27th Mar

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