Killanny Notes

By michael Tue 21st Feb

Presentation Night
Our very successful presentation night was held on Saturday night last in the Community Centre.  After some beautiful food medals were presented to our under 12 team by Jody Clarke our Junior team Manager. Next up was our under 14 Div 1 team and Jody alse gave out the honours. Then our Minor team received their winners medals from the very busy Jody. Last but not least our under 21 team received their runner up medals.
Reserve Player of the year went to Kevin Quinn. Junior player of the year went to the old reliable Peter Dooley.
Hall Of Fame
James Hughes flanked by family members was the proud receipient of the Hall of Fame Award and after a cupla focail in which he was full of praise for the on-going work that was been done to  his beloved Pairc Eanna and the Community Centre. The general feeling was an award truely deserved.
Up For the Match. Monaghan versus Louth
We are hosting a night of entertainment, craic and banter on the eve of the Monaghan v Louth National League Match on Saturday Night 10th March in the Community Centre. Throw in at Panel of Guests will include former Louth, Monaghan, Killanny and Annaminnon greats as well as Father Jimmy in the neutral colours. Compare on the night Brendan Commins LMFM. Tickets available in Declans Shop or from any Committee member.
Training continues every Tuesday and Friday night. Its great to see so many turning out  and training so hard at this early stage. Keep up the good work.
Skool Around The Corner
Keep Easter Sunday Night free as we are hosting the Skool around the corner. A great nights craic is guarenteed and you will see all the local talent and some pretend talent. Frank Mitchell from UTV in the compare on the night.
First Aid
There are still some places left for the First Aid Course on Saturday 25th Feb in the Iontas Centre in Castleblayney. Anybody that is interested in doing this course please give your name to Michael Crawley.
Membership is now due so please get paid up before the season starts.
By michael Tue 21st Feb

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