Emyvale Notes

By michael Tue 14th Feb

Emyvale GAA Club Notes for Thursday 16th February

Awards Night: Our annual awards night takes place this Saturday night in the Red Boys Emyvale with the presentation of the annual player of the year awards as well as presentations to newlyweds in the club. Entrance is free and there will be live music and food on the night. All members are encouraged to come along.


Registration: Club registration is now due for all members and has to be paid before the end of March; this will cost €20 and can be paid to Anthony or Alice Mc Carron. Players please note Anthony and Alice Mc Carron will be at training next Friday the 24th to collect this registration money.


Yearly Lotto’s: All outstanding monies for yearly lotto have to be in by this Friday 17th February. There will be a draw for a 2 night weekend away for all fully paid yearly lotto members.


Pitch: The pitch will be closed during the month of February. Any pitch bookings etc please contact field officer Mickey Mc Carron on 0872114890.


Refereeing/Umpiring: Anyone interested in Refereeing/Umpiring in 2012 please contact John Finn on 0861727544.


U12 & U14: Continues on Monday and Wednesday nights from 7.00-8.00pm


U16: Training every Monday and Wednesday night from 8.00-9.00pm


Help Daire Reach for the Stars!:There will be a 45 card game taking place on Friday the 24th of February in the Scarna Inn, Emyvale in aid of the “Help Daire Reach for the Stars!” fund. Baby Daire is son of Shelly (nee Tracey) and Kenny Gorman. It starts at 9pm  and entry cost is €10 per person, all proceeds goes towards “Help Daire Reach for the Stars!” fund. Spot prizes and refreshment on the night. All welcome – Please Support

Bingo: Thursday Nights in the Emyvale leisure centre at 9.00pm. Jackpot € 5,600 on 45 calls or less and Mini Jackpot € 500 on 50 calls or less €1900 Guaranteed. Bingo cleaning rota for February: Stephan Mc Aree and John Finn

Emylott: Nos. drawn 12th Feb.:- 1, 7, 9, 21.  Two ‘Match 3’ winners (€75 each):- Ross McKenna, Scarna Inn;  Paddy McCabe, Tydavnet.  Promoter’s Prize:- Enda McQuillan & Michael McCarron. Next Week’s Jackpot:- €2,800.



Club Juvenile Notes: All Juvenile Notes to be sent by Email or phone to Paudie Donohue 086 8417993 or donohues07@hotmail.com

PRO: all notes to be forwarded to pro.emyvale.monaghan@gaa.ie or contact Barry McCarron on 0874103569.

By michael Tue 14th Feb

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