GAA Stars, Seen by Cars!

Down stars Ambrose Rogers and Benny Coulter join Ulster GAA’s Aileen Cummins and Lisa McAliskey to promote Ulster GAA’s winter Live to Play message ‘GAA Stars Seen By Cars’ to pupils in St. Dallan’s Primary School Warrenpoint’s GAA Health & Wellbeing Day
Ulster GAA, through it’s Live to Play programme, is promoting a ‘visibility’ message to young members throughout the winter period. The imaginative new campaign encourages aspiring young GAA players to become stars on the pitch while staying safe off it in winter’s dark mornings and evenings!
Cleverly titled ‘GAA Stars, Seen by Cars’, the campaign is being run out in Primary schools across Ulster. GAA coaches have delivered 600 packs to primary schools containing colourful campaign posters and entry cards to Ulster GAA’s January competition.
The competition will not only reinforce the learning but will enable over 500 children to emerge as winners, receiving an O’Neill’s Live to Play backpack with safety enhancing reflective strips, alongside the County crest.
It is hoped that this element of the Live to Play programme will encourage the youngest GAA members to be safer on the roads, just like their older counterparts who have availed of education and awareness at Club level.
By michael Wed 25th Jan