Ladies Football News

By michael Tue 6th Dec



Monaghan ladies county board held their AGM on Sunday last. 2011 was a very busy and successful year for Monaghan ladies football and this success was highlighted in the many speeches that took place. Marie Brady chairperson, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. She talked about the successes of 2011 both on and off the football field. She thanked all those on the executive and others who put in tremendous work during the year. Sharon Mc Meel in her secretaries speech also talked in depth of the successes in 2011 by our county senior team and U16 teams and also gave a full run down on all competitions held within the county. Like Marie she thanked all those that helped in any way during the year. As 2011 was a very busy year on the playing field, so to it was for our treasurer Pauline Dempsey. Pauline gave a very detailed account of the expenditure and income for the year and as always showed her expertise in this field, accounting for every penny spent and received. She probably could teach those running our country how to handle finances, such is her ability.  Next up was our registrar, Rynagh Mc Nally.  Rynagh gave a breakdown of all those registered with clubs within the county. Scotstown club has the highest number of players registered and it was great to see that the numbers registered in 2011 was slightly above what was registered in 2010. This shows that the interest in ladies football in the county is still very strong. Owen Mc Nally, development officer gave his report. A lot of work is currently going into the development of ladies football. 2010 saw the start of an U13 development squad which was very successful and led to Monaghan entering 2 teams at U14 level this  year. This development continued this year and is hoped to restart early in January. A fundamental training course attended by nearly 30 people has just finished . This once again shows the interest there is out there to become involved in ladies football. More courses for both Level 1 courses and Referees courses are due to take place early 2012.


Following all the reports, the election of officers took place. The following is the newly elected executive for 2012


Chairperson                       Marie Brady

Vice Chair                         Seamus Mc Carville

Secretary                          Sharon Mc Meel

Asst Secretary                  Mary Grimes

Treasurer                          Pauline Dempsey

Asst Treasurer                  Tommy Kierans

PRO                                Brenda Mc Anespie

Asst PROs                      Tommy Kierans  Mary Grimes

Registrar                          Rynagh Mc Nally

Development Officer          Owen Mc Nally

Children’s Officer               Alice Mc Mahon

Youth Officer                    Mary Connolly

Cultural Officer                 Mary Mc Eneaney

Integration Officer             Rose Gilsenan

Delegates to Ulster          Jim Shannon  Pat Brannigan

Delegates to Central

Council                           Mary Foy,  Marie Brady



There is one notable absentee from the above, and that is Johnny Kelly. Johnny Kelly has been Monaghan’s representative to Ulster for many years. He has put in trojan time and effort into ladies football and was at the forefront of fighting Monaghan’s corner at Ulster for many years. Johnny decided to step down this year. On behalf of Monaghan county board we wish him the very best of luck, and thank him for his many year’s service. If everyone was as passionate about ladies football as Johnny is, then football in Monaghan will be going for a very long time.  We also welcome on board Mary Connolly from the Seans club and Mary Mc Eneaney from the Corduff club. They will be new voices on the executive and that is something that is very welcome.




A lengthy discussion then took place on motions and bye laws. At the conclusion of the meeting prayers were said for those who had passed away during the year.


As PRO I must say that 2011 was a fantastic year for Monaghan ladies football. This week I will give a brief report on the activities of 2011. Next week I will give a more detailed report on the year that has been and look back at the wonderful memories of what has been a very memorable year for Monaghan ladies football,



2011 has been a very successful year for Monaghan ladies football with our county. At county level, we entered 2 U14 teams for the first time ever. Even though they didn’t bring home silverware, it was great to see 60 girls wear the county jersey. Our U16 team won the Ulster championship title. Our Minor girls also failed to take home silverware. With many girls at this age group doing important exams, it was difficult to get full numbers out and this is something which we should be taking a closer look at, to see if there is anything can be done on this. Our senior ladies team won the O Dowd cup for the first time, retained their Ulster title and reached the All Ireland final. In the National league Monaghan won 7 games out of 7 to top the table. The following were the results

Round 1   Monaghan 2-14   Tyrone 0-7

Round 2   Monaghan 3-13   Mayo  1-8

Round 3   Monaghan 1-13   Cork    2-7

Round 4   Monaghan  2-15  Kildare 1-7

Round 5   Monaghan 1-8     Galway 0-6

Round 6   Monaghan 2-8     Laois 1-10

Round 7   Monaghan -14     Donegal 1-7


They went on the meet Laois in the semi final where unfortunately they were beaten on the day.

They opened up their championship campaign with a convincing win over Armagh. They went on to beat Down and then Tyrone in the final.


The following were the results in their championship campaign.


Preliminary round Ulster   Monaghan 4-16   Armagh  0-4

Semi Final                            Monaghan 5-12   Down  1- 5

Ulster Final                          Monaghan 3-18   Tryone   0-10


All Ireland Championship

Quarter Final                         Monaghan 2-13   Meath 0-8

Semi Final                             Monaghan 4-14   Kerry 2-10

Final                                      Cork 2-7   Monaghan 0-11



Following our successful run in the championship, there were numerous awards that came Monaghan’s way.


10 girls got nominated for All Star Awards – Christine Reilly, Sharon Courtney, Grainne Mc Nally, Aoife Mc Anespie, Amanda Casey, Cora Courtney, Therese Mc Nally, Catriona Mc Connell, Caoimhe Mohan and Ciara Mc Anespie with Sharon, Grainne, Therese and Ciara receiving All Stars. Sharon Courtney was one of 3 Players nominated for Overall Players Player of the Year for 2011


Ciara Mc Dermott received the Ulster Young Player of the Year Award on the same night as the All Stars were announced.


Therese Mc Nally won the Irish News ladies Award and the Ulster Writers Award

Grainne Mc Nally won the Irish Daily Star Ladies Football Award.


3 of our players received Ulster Colleges All Star Awards : Fiona Callan, Ciara Mc Dermott and Barbara Ward.





At club level, Donaghmoyne won back the Ulster club title and were beaten by just a point by Cornacon in the All Ireland semi final. Monaghan Harps won the county intermediate title and were beaten in Ulster by Lisnaskea who went on to win the All Ireland. Inniskeen reached the Ulster club final where they were also beaten by the eventual All Ireland winners Sperrin Og.


All fixtures within the county were completed last weekend, and the following are the winners in each of the competitions.



Senior championship                       Donaghmoyne

Intemediate Championship            Monaghan Harps

Junior Championship                     Inniskeen


Div 1 league   Donaghmoyne

Div 2 league   Donaghmoyne B

Div 3               Corduff


Summer league Division 1   Donaghmoyne

Summer league Division 2    Corduff


Tom Lennon Cup       Doohamlet

Development League   Doohamlet





Division 1.           Scotstown

Division 2            Carrickmacross

Division 3            Aughnamullen

Sheild Winners    Latton





Division 1 championship    Emyvale

Division 2 championship    Scotstown 

Division 3 championship     Latton

Division 4 championship     Eire Og


Division 1 league   Emyvale

Division 2 league   Killany

Division 3 league   Truagh

Division 4 league   Magheracloone


Feile winners Emyvale  




Division 1   Donaghmoyne

Division 2   Magheracloone

Division 3   Eire Og



Division 1  Truagh

Division 2   Emyvale


As in previous years there were 4 tournaments run within the county. Each of the tournaments are run in memory of loyal Monaghan ladies football people who gave so much to ladies football but who tragically passed away.


The results of the 4 tournaments were as follows


Abbey Fanning Tournament

Cup Winners                  Donaghmoyne

Shield Winners               Knockbride


Gloria Corrigan Tournament

Cup Winners                  St Laurences (Kildare)

Shield Winners               Killanny

Kevin Donnelly Tournament

Cup Winners              Carryduff(Down)

Sheild Winners          Emyvale


Ronan Leonard Tournament

Cup Winners              Donaghmoyne

Shield Winners           Emyvale


As you can see 2011 was a busy year for Monaghan ladies football.  


I hope 2012 will be an even better year and that it will see ladies football in Monaghan reach even greater heights.






A large number of awards came Monaghan’s way in 2011 and even more came Monaghan’s way when the Ulster Colleges All Star team was announced. Inniskeen’s Fiona Callan was named in the number 1 postion. This came as no surprise, as Fiona has been in excellent form all year between the posts not just for her school, but also for her club. The no 2 position went to Magheracloone’s Ciara Mc Dermott. Another wonderful achievement for Ciara to add to her Ulster Young player of the Year award. Corduff’s  Barbara Ward was named at no 25. Well done to all 3 girls.





Monaghan’s inspirational captain Sharon Courtney has been named as senior county player for 2011. Sharon has been in outstanding form all year, leading her team to the All Ireland final and receiving a 2nd All Star Award. Well done Sharon


By michael Tue 6th Dec

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