GAA Club Nuachtlitir

By michael Fri 23rd Dec


December 2011 Edition
  • GAA Games Development Conference
  • Player Injury Scheme 2012
  • Yendo – Official GAA Accounting Software for Clubs
  • Defibrillators
  • GAA/JobBridge Internship Scheme
  • Child Welfare and Protection Information Day – Croke Park
  • Clubs are getting ‘Off the Booze and On the Ball’
  • Irish Greyhound Board
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A dedicated section to the GAA Club with info on membership, insurance, IT and more


Welcome to the December edition of the GAA Club Nuachtlitir.

As another busy year draws to a close we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.

The festive season is one of the few quieter times in our busy calendar, a time for reflection and a time to enjoy the company of family and friends.

A special word of thanks to our players, members, officials, volunteers, supporters and sponsors for all you do to help promote our games and culture during the year and best wishes for 2011.

Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi Mhaise.

Is Mise le meas,

Lisa Clancy,
Director of Communications
Cumann Lúthchleas Gael

GAA Games Development Conference

The GAA Games Development Conference, sponsored by Lucozade Sport, will take place in Croke Park on Saturday January 14, 2012. The event was formally launched by Uachtarán Chumann Lúthchleas Gael, Criostóir Ó Cuana on Wednesday, December 20 in Croke Park.

This year’s conference theme will focus on providing coaches and teachers of Post Primary School aged players (age 13-18) with an in-depth perspective on “Coaching Youths: Meeting the Challenge; Raising Our Games”.

The GAA Games Development Conference will be a combination of keynote speakers/speeches, parallel breakout sessions and practical demonstration sessions, involving noted speakers from Ireland and overseas as outlined in the Conference brochure. In line with recent years, there will be a number of presentations from overseas speakers, who will provide a unique perspective on Gaelic games. The Conference will also include a practical demonstration of games-based coaching across Hurling/Camogie, Gaelic Football/Ladies Gaelic Football.

The cost of attending this years Conference is €50, which includes all meals and refreshments on the day as well as the Conference Delegate Pack.

Reserve your place online through the dedicated booking site at or by downloading and returning the Conference Brochure.

For more information on the GAA Games Development Conference visit or call 01-8363222.

Player Injury Scheme 2012

Team subscription rates and benefit levels will remain unchanged for 2012. Registration should be completed by March 31, 2012 and subscriptions also paid by this date.

Please note however that your members must be registered immediately upon the recommencement of training to ensure they are covered. Registration will open via the Servasport system from Jan 1, 2012 at

Player Injury Scheme ‘Reward Rebate’
After many years of requiring additional funding from Central Council to meet payments on an annual basis, the player injury scheme is on target to be in a position where the fund can pay a reward rebate back to clubs.

If your county and club is a net contributor to the fund in 2011 you may be in line to receive a rebate in September 2012.

  • To qualify 75% of the Clubs in your county must be registered and have their subscriptions paid by March 31, 2012.
  • Your County and Club must be a net contributor to the injury fund in 2011.
  • The rebate will be issued in Sept 2012 proportionate to your subscriptions and that of your county.
  • Only Clubs who complete registration and pay their subscriptions by March 31 will qualify for the rebate.

As an additional incentive, all Clubs who complete registration by March 31 gain entry into a draw where one Club per County will win Free Athlete screening including fitness test with follow-up screening and testing for up to 32 of your members. Screening will be provided by Sports Surgery Clinic (SSC), Dublin and will take place in Croke Park Stadium on a weekend with a contribution also made towards travel and lunch expenses.

This is an excellent opportunity for your Club so get registrations and subscriptions in early and on-time.

Yendo – Official GAA Accounting Software for Clubs

The GAA is pleased to announce the appointment of Yendo Accounts as the official GAA Club accounting software. Yendo is an Irish company and their software is used by over 20,000 small businesses, charities and clubs worldwide. The software itself is cloud based and runs on a web browser over the internet. No programmes need to be installed and users will be able to access club accounts from any PC or laptop with internet access. It also comes with unlimited user accounts so it is ideal for sharing accounts with the finance committee.

Clubs will also be able to create multiple charts of accounts so they will be able to create separate reporting for different activities such as bars or shops. The GAA is currently working with Yendo to create new club specific templates and reports and these should be ready by the end of January. At this point Clubs will be able to sign up for the software online.

For more information and queries on the system, contact the GAA Finance Department on 01-8363222.


Always ensure your defibrillator is in full working order and within operating date

Accessible: Make sure your defibrillator is stored in an area where Access is not restricted; remember minutes are critical. Heated cabinets are available for outdoor storage.

Charged: Ensure your defibrillator is fully Charged and that ‘self tests’ have passed by carrying out weekly inspections. Ensure your battery and pads (pad-paks) have not reached their expiry date.

Trained: Ensure there are enough Trained rescuers to respond anytime the Clubhouse or pitches are occupied. Certified training courses are available from Irish Heart Foundation training sites, or PHECC

ACT to Ensure Heart Safety at your Club

GAA/JobBridge Internship Scheme

JobBridge is a new National Internship Scheme that will enable organisations to provide unemployed individuals with work experience placements for a six or nine- month period. The GAA is taking part in this scheme and aims to provide meaningful internships, which will provide unemployed individuals with the opportunity to develop and advance their skills in a practical work environment.

The GAA/JobBridge Internship Scheme is focusing on the areas of Games Development and Administration and an intern may apply for a placement with a department in Croke Park, Provincial Councils and County Boards.

Phase three of the Scheme is currently being advertised on and on the GAA website, There are 126 internships available. Examples of internships advertised include:

  • Games Development Administration Assistants – working with a County Games Manager (GM).
  • Games Development Project Coordinators – working with a Games Development Administrator (GDA).
  • Urban/Club Development Project Coordinators – working in a specific urban area or Club with a GDA.

There are also a number of Administration internships available in the areas of IT, Communications, PR and Marketing.

If you know of any members in your Club who would be interested in availing of the Scheme please direct them to or contact Caoimhe Ní Néill, GAA/JobBridge Coordinator available at or 01 865 8622 for further information.

Child Welfare and Protection Information Day – Croke Park

The third annual Child Welfare and Protection Information Day takes place in Croke Park on Saturday February 11, 2012. This event has in the past proven to be a most helpful and informative day for Children’s Officers, Designated Persons and others who may have child welfare related responsibility in their Club or County.

A series of workshops take place during the day including a specific workshop on the role of the newly elected County Children’s Officer, a presentation on the new Irish Sports Council/GAA Child Protection 3 hour workshop, discussion on integrated child protection and welfare procedures at Club level and a presentation and overview of the new GAA ‘Lets Tackle Bullying’ Workshop.

The Information Day also provides participants with an opportunity to discuss issues that are relevant to their roles with other GAA colleagues.

Attendance at the Information Day is by invitation only. If you or a colleague from your Club or County Board wishes to attend please contact Gearóid Ó Maoilmhichíl, GAA National Children’s Officer in Croke Park 01-8658675 or

Clubs are getting ‘Off the Booze and On the Ball’

To date Clubs in all 32 counties have signed up for the ‘Off the Booze and On the Ball’ health challenge launched by Uachtarán Chumann Lúthchleas Gael, Criostóir Ó Cuana, and Minister of State at the Department of Health, Róisín Shortall in Croke Park on November 22.

This fun challenge with a healthy twist invites participants to abstain from alcohol for the month of January and in doing so seek sponsorship to go towards their local GAA club. Participants are also encouraged to engage in some new exercises that help them reach their recommended weekly activity levels during the month, and hopefully throughout 2012.

The initiative is being driven by the Association’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) programme, a joint initiative with the HSE aimed at reducing the harm caused by the misuse of alcohol and other substances.

Sign up for the challenge at and ‘Take the Pint Sized Challenge’ for your club. You will be emailed an information pack and sponsorship card. It is proving particularly popular as a fundraising method for panels that also want to start the New Year on a healthy footing.

Dublin currently leads the way with representatives from 15 different clubs having registered, with Antrim (12), and Tyrone (10) in close pursuit.

For further information, contact your Club or County ASAP Officer. For County ASAP Officer contact details, please click here.

Irish Greyhound Board

Fundraising for your local Club?
Your local Greyhound Stadium is the ideal location to host a fundraising event for your GAA Club. The Irish Greyhound Board is dedicated to facilitating the GAA with a range of services that support fundraising through benefit race events. The night not only brings together teams and supporters but also corporate sponsors for a great night out in aid of the Club. A benefit night at the Dogs is an enjoyable and valuable way to raise both funds and profiles in the local area.

Why the Irish Greyhound Board?
Last year we ran hundreds of fundraising events nationwide to raise funds for both sporting organisations and charity organisations. Our proven experience and track record for hosting successful benefit events means that we can help you to develop a comprehensive fundraising strategy to maximise your revenue and minimise your workload.

How to get in contact
To find out more about our various packages available visit our website at or call 1890 269 969.

By michael Fri 23rd Dec

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